Student Wellbeing
The Student Wellbeing area at Mount Waverley Secondary College encompasses a wide range of services offered to support students and families. We aim, through a holistic approach to provide both preventative programs and needs based individual care to each student. Our role as a team is to support the physical, social and emotional needs of every student.
The team comprises of a group of highly skilled staff who have the wellbeing of students as a core focus:
Student Support and Resource Manager: Mr Paul Graham
Junior Campus Wellbeing Support:
(Mental Health Practitioner – currently vacant)
Ms Jody Clooney and Ms Caz Coady (Nurses)
Senior Campus Wellbeing Support:
Ms Irine Sojan (Student Wellbeing Coordinator)
Mr Jason Mann (Mental Health Practitioner)
Ms Stephanie Lai (Nurse)
Inclusion Team:
Mrs Margaret Taylor (Inclusion Coordinator)
Ms Maria Disley, Ms Jane Horrabin, Ms Maria Calafiore, Ms Stephanie Tsantis, Ms Karen Clifton, Ms Sarah Oliver and Ms Kathy Ragavan (Inclusion Support Staff)
Ms Rebecca McMahon (Head of Disability Inclusion)
Students and families can access a number of services through direct contact with the college. If we cannot provide services which are appropriate, we will refer to the appropriate agency.
Wellness Zones: On both campuses there is a designated wellness zone. These zones are a safe space designed to enable students to self regulate and receive support from wellbeing staff if needed.
Counselling: We provide short to medium-term student counselling at the college as well as utilise external counselling supports through community service referrals, such as Eastern Health, Headspace and Monash Youth Services. To receive counselling a student can self-refer or be referred by their sub school, teachers or parents/carers.
Advice to Parents/Carers: The Student Wellbeing team is available to offer advice and support to parents. This can also include referring families to local community agencies such as LINK, Uniting Care and Monash Family Services. We also hold information nights/parent workshops and invite special guest speakers to present to parents as well as regularly updating our social media and website with relevant information, whilst also publishing a monthly parent bulletin.
Financial Support: From time to time we provide support for families who are finding it difficult to make ends meet. We provide access to uniform, books and materials as well as assisting families to generate payment plans and accessing other funding options where possible.
Nurses: We have a team of highly skilled registered nurses on both campuses who are here to support our students throughout the day. Our nurses are able to provide not only excellent first aid care, but also ensure that all camps and excursions are prepared and catered for.
Inclusion: Our students are supported by a dedicated team who work on improving access to curricular and co-curricular activities. They work closely with students, staff and families to provide individualised support for students and actively encourage success.
Useful Links & Contacts:
- Headspace: – Online and telephone mental health support (aged 12-25)
- Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 – Online and telephone support for young people (aged 0-24)
- Life Line: 13 11 14 – Telephone support for people of all ages
- Monash Youth Services: offering case management support to students who reside or study in the City of Monash.
- Child and Youth Mental Health Service: 1300 721 927 – Support for young people experiencing distress or severe emotional disturbance.
- Parent Line: 13 22 89 – Support for parents of young people (aged 0-18)
- Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 – Supporting everyone to achieve their best possible mental health