College Principal’s Report

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Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable holiday.  As College Principal I look forward to joining with students, teachers, and parents for another exciting and productive year of teaching and learning at Mount Waverley Secondary College.

I am pleased to report that the college continues to build upon our successes. Our 2024 VCE results were outstanding considering the past years and is a testament to the dedication of our wonderful staff and the resilience of our students.  Our 2024 College Dux, Maya Crombie, received an ATAR score of 99.55 which was an outstanding result. Nineteen students received an ATAR over 95 and one hundred and eight students received an ATAR over 80 which was 42% of our cohort. Three students also received a perfect study score of 50 in Art Making and Exhibiting, Health and Human Development and Visual Communication and Design and 257 students received their VCE certificate which was a great achievement.

A very warm welcome to all our new students and their families. You are embarking on a wonderful learning journey, which will be enhanced by always trying your personal best.

Mount Waverley Secondary College provides a learning community where we all respect and care for each other, always working cooperatively as a team.  In addition, our college provides you with magnificent facilities and resources which are yours to use to maximize your learning opportunities.  Please don’t be afraid to ask questions. Staff and students are eager to help you make a successful transition into our college.


Welcome New Staff           

I would like to welcome the following new staff to the college:

New Leading Teachers/Learning Specialists:
Ms Caitlin Saliba – Learning Specialist-Chemistry/Maths

Other New Staff are:
Ms Achala Awais – English
Ms Chloe Chen – Maths
Mr James Edwards – Japanese
Mr Josh Halliday – Design Tech/Science
Ms Catherine Henderson – Japanese/EAL/Literacy Support
Ms Anne Hoang – English
Mr Leigh Kranias – Maths
Ms Natalia Lemos – EAL
Ms Michelle Levin – Art/ Visual Communication and Design
Ms Jacqui Newlands – PE
Ms Sara Rafferton – Double Reed
Ms Katherine Sienkiewicz – Visual Communication and Design/Art
Ms Natasha Simpson – Health &PE
Ms Leonie Siu – Japanese
Ms Bella Woodward – Science/Biology
Ms Rachael Zhou – Maths/Science


ES Staff:
Mr Michael Barbas – Student Wellbeing Coordinator/Mental Health Practitioner
Ms Meg Kennedy – Ripon – Inclusion Aide
Ms Cailey Macdonald – Inclusion Aide
Mr Jack Metcalfe – Social Worker
Ms Sarah Oliver – Inclusion Aide
Mr Kye Zhang – Piano


Off to a Great Start!

Our staff returned on Tuesday 28 January and were lucky enough to hear from Dr Brenda Heyworth, an adolescent psychiatrist, guest speaker and author. Brenda is the author of ‘It’s a jungle. A parent’s guide to emotions and behaviour’ and presented a session last year to our staff and parents. This year Brenda presented two sessions to our staff. Dr. Heyworth’s sessions provided staff with practical tips to manage student emotions as well as their own emotions.

It was wonderful to see all our students returning to school last week. Thank you to my dedicated and hardworking staff for accompanying our students on camps and other activities on the Senior Campus during the first week back. I know that our students thoroughly enjoy these extra-curricular events which are important educational experiences. Our Junior Campus students will be taking part in the Year 7 Camp and the Year 8 Challenge Program during Week 3.


School Council Election 2025

The Department of Education (DE) has approved the commencement of the electoral process for the election of School Councillors for 2025.

  • Membership

Our College Council consists of seven parents, two students, five staff members (including College Principal) and four community members.

  • Term of Office

Term of office is for two years with half of members retiring each year but eligible for re-election. Four parents, two staff members and one student member will end their term of office in March 2025

  • Retiring College Councillors

The following members of College Council, while they may be eligible for re-election, retire next month:

Parent Members:

Mrs Chelsea Eow
Mr Fabian Kohlmann
Mr Ian Mc Kindley
Mr Awais Ur Rehman

Staff Members:

Ms Sarah Chase
Ms Asha Vazirani

Student Members:

Reiya L

  • Proposed Timeline

Friday 7 February    –    Call for nominations

Friday 14 February    –    Nominations close 4.00pm

Monday 24 February   –    Nominations displayed at each campus.

Election held if required.

Friday 14 March         –  Close of ballot 4.00pm. Votes counted.

Thursday 20 March    –  College Council AGM, followed by meeting of new Council.


  • Voting

If the number of nominations exceeds the vacancies in either the parent, student or staff categories, an election will be necessary. All parents are entitled to vote for parent representatives, all students are entitled to vote for student representatives and Department of Education (DE) employees vote for staff representatives.

  • Methods of Voting (voting slips available on college website). There are two ways in which you can record your vote on the official voting form during the election period dates as listed above:
  • Post or email your vote to the college to arrive by 4.00pm Friday 14 March
  • Students will receive electronic voting slips (if required)
  • Nominations of Candidates

For most school councils, there are four possible categories of membership:

  • A mandated elected Parent category – more than one-third of the total members must be from this category. Department of Education (DE) employees can be Parent members at their child’s school as long as they are not engaged in work at the school.
  • A mandated elected Student category – to be elected the person must be a student enrolled in Year 7 or above. These members are elected by all students enrolled in Year 7 or above at the school.
  • A mandated elected DE employee category – members of this category may make up no more than one-third of the total membership of school council. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members.
  • An optional Community member category – members are co-opted by a decision of the council because of their special skills, interests, or experiences. DE employees are not eligible to be Community members.
  • Role of School Councillors

School Councillors currently play an important role in decision making and the management of our college.  They donate many hours to the sub committees of Council:  Finance, Education, Buildings & Grounds and Community Engagement. Councillors belong to one subcommittee, attend one monthly council meeting, and represent the college at functions.

SCHEDULE 4 – Notice of Election and Call for Nominations

  An election is to be conducted for members of College Council of Mount Waverley Secondary College.

  Nomination forms may be obtained from the college website and must be lodged by 4.00pm on Friday 14 February       2025.

  Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be displayed at each campus. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

Membership                                        Term of Office                         Number of positions

Parent Member                                    20 March 2025 to 20 March 2027                 4

DE Employee Member                        20 March 2025 to 20 March 2027                 2

Student Member                                  20 March 2025 to 20 March 2027                1

  If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further  nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the college.

If there are more nominations than vacancies, a ballot will be conducted. The ballot will close at 4.00pm on Friday
14 March 2025.

Karen Wade
College Principal


2025 College Uniform

All families should have seen a copy of our 2025 College Uniform Policy. Your support in ensuring the correct uniform is worn is much appreciated.

If your child cannot wear the correct college uniform, a note from a parent/carer is required. This should be forwarded to the appropriate Year Level Coordinator before school. An out of uniform pass will be indicated in the students’ planner or a pass given.

Mount Waverley Secondary College is the college of choice in our local area, and it is important that our students wear the uniform with pride, representing the college in a positive manner.


Annual Privacy Reminder

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy Photographing-Filming-Recording-Students-Policy describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website MWSC Privacy Policy

For more information about privacy, see: Schools’ Privacy Policy – information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese


Selective Entry High School

Congratulations to the following students who have been accepted into Year 9 at Selective Entry High Schools this year:

Aaron C
Alethia L
Ananya J
Annie H
Amanda Y
Arohi D
Bradley C
Dheeraj A
Elyann J
Evan M
Janaki J
Kingsley C
Krisha K
Logan T
Nulara J
Pierce R
William A

We know that your studies at Mount Waverley Secondary College have given you a strong foundation on your academic pathways.


A New Year of Learning

The Victorian Government has a website  to help your family prepare for the new school year. The website now has case studies and videos featuring teachers, students, and parents and carers sharing their transition experiences and advice.


School Saving Bonus reminder and support

The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus (SSB) – a one-off support of $400 for eligible government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.The SSB helps families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more. Most families have now received their SSB code(s). I encourage you to take advantage of this government support.

To learn more about the SSB online system, download the step-by-step System guide for parents and carers (DOCX, 945KB) or watch this School Saving Bonus videoSystem guide translations are also available in 14 languages.

If you would like to use your bonus for school activities, you can allocate some or all of the bonus using the School Saving Bonus online system.

If you have only recently completed your enrolment into the Victorian government school system you can expect to receive your SSB code(s) in the coming weeks.

If you have transferred to our school from another Victorian government school, any remaining funds on your SSB code(s) will soon be available to use at our approved school suppliers. We request your patience as this change is processed.

The Department of Education has established a dedicated contact centre to support the SSB. The contact centre can be reached by:



Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal

Campus Principal’s Report – Junior School

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Welcome to 2025

Welcome to our new year 7 families and welcome back to our returning year 8 families for 2025. The Junior Campus is an exciting place to be at this time of year. I am thrilled to be once again heading up the campus, alongside Mrs Debbie Sekula (Head of Junior School) and Mrs. Danielle Mott (Junior School Leader). I would also like to acknowledge the work of our year level coordinators, who developed an engaging program to help all students and teachers settle into the year. At year 7 we have Ms Danielle Robertson and Ms Brinda Manogaran and at year 8 are Ms Eliza Yates and Mr Jackie Chan.

Thanks must also go to all of our Junior Campus staff and students for the way they have started the year. It is an exciting learning community and we’re looking forward to a great 2025!


Parent Communication

It is extremely important that we communicate with each other as part of our partnership in educating your child. If you have any matters you wish to discuss with your child’s classroom teachers, please contact them in the first instance. If there is something else you would like to discuss following this, please contact a Year Level Coordinator who will assist or refer it to one of our Leading Teachers/Campus Principals.


Year 7 Camp and Year 8 Challenge Program

We are very excited to start the year with our traditional Year 7 Phillip Island Adventure Camp and Year 8 Challenge Program from 12-14 February. Both programs are wonderful opportunities for our students to make new friends, challenge themselves, and try new things. Thank you to all staff who have volunteered to support these programs. We look forward to sharing our photos and stories in the next newsletter.


Year 7 Welcome Picnic

On Thursday 5 March we will be hosting our new year 7 parents for our welcome picnic on the oval at the Junior Campus. It would be great to meet our families and share an afternoon of activities together. Even if you can only pop in for a short time, we would love to see you there!


Before and After School

While we are a welcoming and inclusive school community, the location and limited size of our campus restricts our ability to have parents/carers visit us on campus. This is a reminder that there is no parent parking available on our campus. Please refrain from dropping off or picking up your child, instead plan to meet in one of the side streets, or encourage other means of commuting.

Likewise, we have had many eager parents/carers seeking to meet their children at the front of the school at the end of the day. With close to 700 students on our very small campus, we ask that parents find alternative places to wait, outside the school gates and away from the crossing area.

We plan to have a number of community events this year where you can come and explore the campus, but would appreciate your cooperation with the requests above in the meantime.


Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to school

Parents/carers are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident or ambulance cover for students. Parents and carers of students, who do not have private health insurance or ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for their injured child.

Private property brought to the college by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education is not responsible for any loss or damage. This can include mobile phones, calculators, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises.

It is recommended that parents/carers consider insurance policies that can be purchased from commercial insurers.




Mr Matt Sheehan
Campus Principal – Junior School

Campus Principal’s Report – Middle School

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Welcome back to what will be another busy year in the Middle School. My name is Ian MacLeod, I am the Campus Principal who works with Middle School.  I would particularly like to welcome our Year 9 students and families as they start their journey at the Senior Campus of the college.

We welcomed our Year 9 and 10 students back to the college last week.

Year 9 Inspire Program

Thanks to the staff who supported the Year 9 Inspire program.  The program had many different activities for students to engage with including Kickstart, a Careers session, locker allocation, a scavenger hunt and academic testing sessions.  Thank you to Ms Asha Vazirani, Mr Adam Wheeler and Mr Tristan Kent for their work in organising and running this program.


Year 10 Camp

Camp Coonawarra was the venue for our Year 10 Camp.  The students were kept busy with a wide range of activities including canoeing, raft making, flying fox and giant swing to name just a few.  Thank you to at the staff who attended Mr Kelvin Nguyen, Ms Stephanie Lamborn, Ms Alisha Smith, Ms Misa Murphy, Ms Jennifer Douglas, Mr Alex Klepner, Mr Jay Newport, Ms Jo Siketa, Mr Josh Halliday, Ms Amanda Irwin, Ms Sharona Jarman, Ms Leonie Siu, Mr Hans Wang, Mr Jackson Waters, Mr Sam Zanardo, Ms Yuchen Zhao and Ms Jody Clooney.  To  Ms Jo Rogers, Mr Aayush Khosla and MS Stephanie Xing thank for your work in organising and leading the camp – Well done!


Middle School Team

The Middle School team are here to help you support our Year 9 and 10 students both inside and outside the classroom.  Please contact the coordinators if you need any support.

The team is as follows:

Head of Middle School – Asha Vazirani
Leader of Middle School – Jo Rogers
Year 9 Coordinators – Mr Adam Wheeler and Mr Tristan Kent
Year 10 Coordinators – Ms Stephanie Xing and Mr Aayush Khosla
MS Admin Support: Karen Box


Student Diaries

Student have received their diaries which are valuable tool to support their learning.  Students should record homework and upcoming events to assist with time management and organisation.  The diary also contains many worthwhile resources and parents are encouraged to check it weekly and discuss “What went well” for the week.


Parking in and around the Senior Campus

The Senior Campus has parking which is for staff only.  The carparks at the Senior Campus should not be used for dropping off or picking up students as this creates safety issues for both staff and students.  Students should be dropped off and picked up in adjacent side streets near the Senior Campus.  When parking near the college it is important that parking signs are observed and we ask that you respect our local residents by not blocking their driveways as you drop off or pick up your children.


Student Safety

With the commencement of the school year, it is timely to remind all members of our college community to observe all road laws.  In particular cyclists must wear helmets and when students are crossing roads, it needs to be done with care and observing traffic signals and the crossing supervisor if present.  Please discuss this with your son/daughter and emphasise the need to follow correct road safety practices to keep everyone safe.


Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to school

Parents/carers are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident or ambulance cover for students.  Parents and carers of students, who do not have private health insurance or ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for their injured child.  Private property brought to the college by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education is not responsible for any loss or damage.  This can include mobile phones, calculators, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises.  It is recommended that parents/carers consider insurance policies that can be purchased from commercial insurers.



All parents should now have access to Compass.  Compass is used to communicate with parents on a wide range of activities within the school.  Compass can be access through the college website using any web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) via your desktop computer or mobile device.   Alternatively, parents can also download the Compass App from the Apple App store or Goggle Play by searching “Compass School Manager” which will allow you to access Compass through your mobile device.  It is important to note that some of features of Compass are only available in the “browser” version.


Holiday Works

Across the holiday period the ICT and Facilities Teams were busy improving the college.
If you see anything different from last year on campus, it’s the ICT and Facilities teams that have made this happen!

ICT Works undertaken including:

  • Department Education Internet connected
  • Reimaged classroom desktops and notebooks on both sites
  • Prepared new teaching and support staff notebooks
  • Compass work including Learning Tasks
  • Phone system updated
  • Projector maintenance and installations

Thanks to the ICT Team – Aro, Andrew and Jacob for their work across the break.  Well done!

The Facilities Team also worked hard across the break with the focus on the following:

  • Remodelling of Senior Campus Canteen
  • Pinboard installation across Senior Campus
  • Sound proofing installation in M2
  • Conversion of C6 into a General Purpose Classroom including demolition, repairs, painting, carpeting and new furniture
  • Senior and Junior Hall floors resealed
  • AC serviced and installed across both sites
  • Grounds maintenance across the college
  • Vertical Garden on Middle School – maintenance
  • Test and Tagging of equipment across college
  • Air Purifiers – replaced all filters across the college
  • Various electrical works, painting and signage

Thanks to Maintenance Team – Wendy, Darryl and Dean for their great work across the holiday period.  Great work!


School Photos

Arthur Read Photos took our school photos on Thursday 6 February.  Information on how to order photos was given to all students on the day.  For any students that missed out there will be a catch day on Monday 24 February.




Mr Ian MacLeod
Campus Principal – Middle School

Campus Principal’s Report – Senior School

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Welcome back to our Senior School students, particularly to any new students and families who have joined the college community in 2025.

Staff returned on January 28 and participated in two sessions run by Dr Brenda Heyworth, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Following on from her 2024 session Dr Heyworth continued to develop our understanding around supporting students with managing their emotions, and how we can support students with learning difficulties. Her presentations were engaging and provided our staff with practical strategies to support our young people as they begin a new school year.


Senior School Special Programs

Last week the Year 11s participated in the ‘Flying Start’ program that focussed on setting themselves up for success in 2024. It included guest speakers, sessions run by Elevate Education and school run sessions on careers and wellbeing.

Year 12 students attended The Summit camp, with the most talked about activity being ‘The Monster Course’. A great time was had by all and it was an excellent opportunity for the year level to bound prior to the start of their final year of formal schooling.

Thanks to all staff who supported the running of the Year 11 program on site and at Deakin, as well as the staff who attended the Year 12 camp. A special thanks to Head of Senior School Ms Sarah Chase, Senior School Leader Mr James Johnston, Year 12 Coordinators Mr Tristan Dunkley and Mrs Sunita Sewani, and Year 11 Coordinators Mr Christopher Bamford and Ms Juliz Mathew for all the work in setting up these valuable programs.



Announcements about important year level events, excursions, sport days and other information are all communicated via Compass. It is also used by teachers to communicate student learning progress in assessment tasks, any concerns around learning and to recognise students who demonstrate our College Values. Please ensure you have downloaded the app and have announcements turned on to avoid missing any important communications.


Student Diaries

All students should have now received their 2025 MWSC student diary. Students are encouraged to record homework, due dates for assessment tasks, as well as events they are participating in to assist with their organisation. The college has continued to use the Resilience Project diaries for 2025 so we also encourage students to make use of the wellbeing activities available.


Safety and Parking

The college is a busy place, particularly at drop off and pick up times. Students are reminded that they should be using the dedicated crossings where possible, and taking care when crossing side streets. The carparks on both sites are for staff only and parents are not to use these as a drop off or pick up point.


Student Accident Insurance, Ambulance Arrangements and Private Property

Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to school

Parents/carers are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident or ambulance cover for students. Parents and carers of students, who do not have private health insurance or ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for their injured child.

Private property brought to the college by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education is not responsible for any loss or damage. This can include mobile phones, calculators, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises.

It is recommended that parents/carers consider insurance policies that can be purchased from commercial insurers.




Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School

Head of Middle School’s Report

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The Middle School would like to extend a warm Welcome to the Senior Campus for the new year of 2025.  We trust that you have had a restful and relaxing break, spending much-deserved time with family and friends.  It gives us great pleasure to introduce the 2025 Middle School Team:

Campus Principal: Mr Ian Macleod
Head of Middle School:  Mrs Asha Vazirani
Middle School Leader:  Miss Jo Rogers
Middle School Administrator:  Mrs Karen Box
Year 10 Level Coordinators:  Miss Stephanie Xing and Mr Aayush Khosla
Year 9 Level Coordinators:  Mr Adam Wheeler and Mr Tristan Kent

The Middle School Team is committed to supporting our students to develop skills in resilience, persistence, independence and respect.  We are confident that our parent community will support us in ensuring high standards in each of the core areas mentioned below so that together, we can build a safe and positive learning environment for all our students.



The Department of Education and Training (DET) requires that children of school age (six to seventeen years) are in full-time attendance at a government or registered non-government school unless formally exempt.

Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.

School participation is important as it maximizes life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School also helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in their community.

All students in Years 7 to 12 at the College are required to have an attendance rate of at least 90%. Mount Waverley Secondary College will keep a record of the reason given for each absence.  If a student arrives late to school, they are to report to the Middle School Office to sign in. If a student is leaving early, a parent is required to sign them out at the Main Office.



School uniform assists our students to develop a sense of school pride, dress smartly, become confident and help them to realize that they are all equal in our educational organisation.  It also assists our students in establishing unity within diversity, students begin to apply their focus on their education as they do not get distracted, and they develop skills in working collaboratively as they develop a sense of belonging to the school community.

They will be expected to change into their correct full Physical Education uniform at school for practical classes and wear their correct full Physical Education uniform to school on the day of a school approved sporting event. No long-sleeved tops under short sleeved tops are permitted, hoodies are banned and will be confiscated.

If a student is not wearing the correct full school uniform, they are expected to bring a note from home and get a uniform pass from their sub school when they arrive, prior to their first class.  If a student does not have a note from home, they are still expected to get a uniform pass from their sub school when they arrive.

Mobile Phones

As per the Department’s policy, mobile phones should be kept in lockers throughout the duration of the school day.  Students are expected to place their phones silent and in their school bags upon entering the school gates.  Their bags should be securely locked in the lockers and students can take their phones out once they have exited the school gates. We expect all our students to follow this expectation. Students cannot use their mobile phones to pay at the canteen, they are expected to bring cash or a card.


As a student of MWSC, we expect our students to demonstrate the college’s ILEARN values at all times and uphold the highest standard of behaviour inside and outside of the classroom.

We look forward to working with you all during this year to ensure our students achieve their personal best in all areas of school life.  Please feel free to contact your student’s Year Level Coordinators if you would like clarification in any matter.

Wishing you all a great start to the year.




Mrs Asha Vazirani
Head of Middle School

Middle School Events

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Inspire Program – Year 9

The Year 9s had the opportunity to participate in the Inspire Program during the first week of Term 1. Throughout the course of two days, we completed tests and riddles to understand ourselves better and find potential career options for our futures, as well as bond with our classmates and forge new relationships.

One of the main tests that our grade undertook was the Morrisby testing. Each of us were given series of academic and personal questions. That information was then collated and interpreted by a career guidance software tool to help us Year 9s focus more on our strengths and suggested pathways.

Towards the end of the program on Friday 31st January, I competed in a thrilling scavenger hunt around the school in the hope of winning canteen vouchers with my friends. We were tasked with puzzles, which when solved, would take us to different buildings and classrooms where we would find our next clue and so forth. After navigating through the many passages and stairs, my friends and I finally finished the course and were crowned victors!

Overall, I am really looking forward to the outcome of the testing and the guidance it will give to my studies from here on.

By Jacqueline DB (9G)


Coonwarra Camp – Year 10

Last week between 29 – 31 January, the Year 10 students set off on a long 4-hour road trip to Coonawarra Farm Resort!
It was an early-bird start with buses leaving around 8am to get to the camp for lunch.

On the way to the campsites we stopped off for morning tea and to stretch our legs before the next few hours on the bus before we arrived. Half the group was off to the Lakeside campsite and the other half to the Iguana campsite where we started our first activities. High ropes, giant swing and the flying fox were where fears of heights were faced and most screams occurred in these activities: from soaring over the lake, dropping from a gigantic height or running across wires high above the ground.

On the first night there was a suspicion of noise within the walls, turns out people were just hearing things or maybe it was from walkie-talkies? On the second morning there was a running group that ran around the lake early before the activities started. Canoeing and raft making were where everyone got drenched with canoes capsizing and students splashing each other plus a fun swim in the lake afterwards. These were my personal favourite activities.

Trivia night ended in chaos with a planking competition to a song and the winners got extra points. Archery and rock climbing were a place to test skills and relax a bit more compared to the other activities. The night walk was very scenic with a pretty sunset at the top of a hill and all the kangaroos hopping around the paddocks. The last day and before we departed we took a group photo.

We all got settled back on the bus, stopping off at a park to eat lunch on the way before the home stretch. Once we arrived at school I think everyone was tired and just wanted some normal water. Overall I really enjoyed this camp and making memories with my friends, I would definitely go again!

By Olivia S (10L)



Coonawarra Camp Experience by Owa Exchange Student

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All the Owa exchange students from Japan joined the Year 10 camp to Coonawarra. It was very very very exciting!

On the first day, we rode a bus for about 3 hours. It felt like Australia has nature everywhere. I was surrounded by mountains and lots of animals. For example, kangaroos, cows, wallabies, etc. The first activity was archery. I thought it was difficult and I couldn’t hit the target. The second activity was an athletic course. The instructor cleared the course very fast. That day we had a trivia event and Koyuki, Mikoto and I joined up with the students from the room next door to make a team. Everyone was so kind. 

On the second day, we went canoeing. I think canoeing was the best activity of the whole camp. It was amazing. The next activity was the giant swing. It was very scary. We had to pull the string ourselves. Our fifth activity was raft building and we were divided into two teams – MWSC vs Owa exchange students. We managed to do the entire task using only English! However, our raft didn’t work. I thought it was very funny.

The sixth activity was ziplining and Koyuki and I did ziplined six times! It was fun. That evening we did a night hike. I walked and talked with MWSC students on the night hike because I thought it would be a good chance to make Australian friends. As a result, I think I made some new friends. I tried my best on the night hike.

On the third day, the seventh activity was rock climbing. It was very tiring but I made it to the top. I think all the activities were very good. I think that not being able to refuse to do the activities is a big part of foreign culture. I can refuse to do activities in Japan. For example, I could refuse to do activities I am afraid of or if I don’t want to get wet. I think that the camp was a great experience for me. 



Yuzuki Enjo
Owa Exchange Student

Student Wellbeing Report

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Welcome to a new school year! Whether your child is starting high school, transitioning to a new year level, or adjusting to different teachers, routines, and expectations, this time of year can bring a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

As we know, change is a natural part of life, and adolescence is full of transitions—academically, socially, and emotionally. While some students thrive on new experiences, others may find change challenging. As parents and caregivers, your support plays a crucial role in helping your teen build resilience and confidence as they navigate these transitions.

Here are some tips on how to support your child through this transition phase:

  • Help them with creating a daily routine, both before and after school. A set routine can help with managing anxiety as it allows students to feel a sense of control. It also creates a sense of safety and predictability.
  • Encourage connection – it is quite common to disconnect socially when we are feeling stressed or anxious. When we are going through change – it is important that we maintain positive connections. For some of our older students – as a parent/carer you may not be as involved in supporting your child’s connections any more given their age – the days of setting up playdates are long gone – but this doesn’t stop you from encouraging your child to keep up those social connections.
  • Study routine/planner – irrespective of your child’s learning strengths – we always encourage students to have a study routine or plan. This is really important during transition and change as it is something that students can rely on and control. We have discovered that those students who have a set routine are far more likely to manage stress and anxiety that comes with academic expectations than those that don’t.
  • School/Life balance – its not all study and no play. It is important to encourage your child to have a healthy life balance. You cannot underestimate the positive impact of extra curricular activities and part time employment.
  • Promote a growth mindset – high school is full of challenges and you should remind your child that setbacks are part of personal growth.
  • Encourage support- we know that young people are more likely to access support from their peers than they are a trusted adult. And although we don’t want to diminish this in any way – it’s important to remind young people of the support that is available to them both at home, at school and in the community.

Good luck with the start of the new school year. Please know you are not alone and we are here to support in any way we can. If you would like any further advice please get in contact via




Mr Paul Graham
Student Support and Resources Manager

Music Director’s Report

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We’re thrilled to kick off another exciting and musically fulfilling year at MWSC.  The Music Faculty spent a productive day at the end of Term 4 planning an action-packed year, filled with a variety of musical events. A highlight will be the Music Tour to New Zealand in July for our Symphonic Band and Stage Band. Rehearsals for this started last year and both bands are sounding fantastic.

Lessons have already begun this week, and it’s been wonderful to hear a variety of instruments and music genres. A reminder to students and families to please check Compass regularly for individual lesson times and ensure students arrive prepared with their instruments and music. Consistent practice is key to progress, so we encourage students to establish a dedicated practice space at home, complete with a music stand to promote good posture and concentration.

Most ensembles will commence in Week 3. Please keep an eye on your emails and Compass for specific details from the ensemble directors. Regular attendance at rehearsals is vital for the success of our ensembles, so please prioritise these commitments.

Our first concerts of the year will be the Soirees in Week 8 (more information to come). These recitals provide a wonderful opportunity for students of all year levels and abilities to showcase their talents through solos and small group performances. Teachers will be seeking expressions of interest from students in upcoming lessons, and we encourage everyone to participate. Performance experience is invaluable.

We look forward to a fantastic year of music-making at MWSC!




Mrs Tijtje Keatley
Music Director

From the Careers Team

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We are looking forward to working with students and families throughout the year. We provide career counselling to help students make informed decisions about their career pathways. There are career education programs across all year levels.


Year 7 and 8

Do you have questions about careers, pathways or university? Students are encouraged to drop by the Junior School Library every fortnight from 18th February 2025 for our Careers Lunchtime Drop-In. No appointment needed – just bring your questions!

Year 9

Year 9 students completed their Morrisby profile last week and will soon be given individual support from an accredited counsellor to unpack the results. The profile helps students identify their interests and strengths and is a valuable tool for pathway planning.

Year 10

Work experience is a valuable opportunity for Year 10 students to gain insight into the world of work and understand the expectations of the workplace. It is an chance for students to develop skills, knowledge, and experience that will benefit them in their future careers. Work Experience placements will take place during the week of 30 June – 4 July 2025.

Year 11

Year 11 students completed their “Mapping Your Journey” last week, an exploration of career and occupations. In May, students will spend the day at the VCE and Careers Expo which is Australia’s biggest education and careers event.

Year 12

The Careers team is available to help you plan your 2026 destination and beyond. This could be apprenticeships, gap years, employment, or for many of you, university.

Careers has a wide range of resources for students, including a regular newsletter packed full of up-to-date information.



Mr Phil Newnham and Ms Victoria Tortipidis
Careers Education

Alumni News

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Alumni School Tour

We are pleased to advise that our tours in 2025 will also include additional class years. Tours will start at 9am from the main reception of Senior Campus and conclude with a morning tea. Bookings essential.


Class of 1975, 1985 Reunion

Thursday 27 March 2025

We are also happy to include students from the following classes:
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974
1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984

Click here to book your ticket


Class of 1995, 2005 Reunion

Thursday 19 June 2025

We are also happy to include students from the following classes:
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

Click here to book your ticket


Class of 2015 Reunion

Thursday 14 August 2025

We are also happy to include students from the following classes:
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Click here to book your ticket


If you have family or friends who went to Mount Waverley Secondary College in the years listed, please pass on the exciting news.




Ms Victoria Tortipidis
Alumni Coordinator

MWSC College News – Issue 1