College Principal’s Report

2025 Year 7 Information Evening
It was wonderful to see many parents and students attend our 2025 Year 7 Information Evening on Tuesday 19 November. I spoke about what skills, attributes, and strategies I would want my child to develop at school and encouraged the new Year 7 students to get involved in the many opportunities and extra curricula activities on offer at Mount Waverley Secondary College. I left the students with a quote from Dr Seuss “You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
Sports Awards Evening
Congratulations to Mr Danny Gwynne, Mr Jay Newport our Sports Leaders and Mrs Narda McLennan our Marketing and Events Manager for their work in organising our Sport Awards Night at the college on Wednesday 20 November and special thanks to our Sports Captains Avril and Taya for helping present awards. It was fantastic to see so many students and their families in attendance, celebrating and recognising the great achievements our students have made in 2024.
Stan Gallery Exhibition
A collection of our senior students’ Art work is currently on exhibition at the Stan Gallery (49 Stanley Avenue) in Mount Waverley. This exhibition offers an exciting opportunity to showcase a variety of highly skilled, beautiful, and thought-provoking artworks. It provides a platform for our students to display their work in a professional space within the community. The incredible pieces on display reflect the immense creativity and dedication of our students, serving as a testament to the strength and excellence of our Arts program at the college. The exhibition is open now until Sunday 15th December.
Star Performers
PSW Exclusive Shopping Night
Thank you to all our 2025 Year 7 parents and students who attended our exclusive shopping night at PSW our unform supplier recently. This was a great way for our families to receive excellent service as they prepare our new cohort of students for secondary school next year.
Secondhand Uniform/Book Sale
Special thanks to everyone who donated books or uniform items to our second-hand sale which was held on Friday 22 November. We raised over $8500 which will be used to help support student-led initiatives. I would like to sincerely thank all of our wonderful parent volunteers who ran the sale on this day.
Exams on the Senior Campus
Over the last few weeks, the Senior Campus has been a very busy place. Students in Year 9, 10 and 11 have been completing exams and teachers have been marking them and writing reports.
Our Year 12 VCAA examinations concluded on Wednesday 20 November and as you can imagine the organisation of these exams is a huge logistical task. Thank you to Mr James Johnston, Senior Subschool Leader for overseeing this process along with our Chief Examiner, Mrs Trish Reid. We now await our Year 12 results which are released on Thursday 12 December.
2025 Early Commencement
Our whole school rolled over to our 2025 timetable on Monday 25 November and our 2024 Year 8 students began classes on the Senior Campus. Early Commencement is a great way for students to get a head start on their studies for next year. I encourage all students to complete set homework and read their texts before returning to school next year. A special thank you to the staff for their efforts in running this program and in particular, the sub school teams, faculty heads and Mr Scott Smith (timetabler) for all their hard work.
Semester Two Reports
Teachers have been completing reports and feedback for their students. Year 7 to Year 11 students and parents/carers will receive an end of semester report via Compass on Wednesday 11 December. The reports are a culmination of the written feedback from their teachers with additional information on work behaviours and, for Year 7 to 10 students, Victorian Curriculum levels.
Jazz Under the Stars 
The Mount Waverley Secondary College ‘Jazz under the Stars’ evening is an annual event which will be held next Tuesday 3 December on the Senior Campus. The concert will feature the MWSC Jazz Bands and Alumni Band and will begin at 4.30pm for a sausage sizzle and music will start at 5pm. Please enter via Gate 5, Beaufort Street.
This wonderful evening is an outdoor picnic style event where families are asked to bring a chair and a picnic to enjoy with friends. Proceeds from the $5 entry donation and sausage sizzle will go toward the New Zealand Music Tour 2025. We hope to see you there!
Year End Program (YEP)
The YEP Program will then run from Wednesday 11th December until Friday 13th December for students in Years 7-9 who have enrolled in this program. Students will receive information regarding this program next week.
Presentation Night
This year, Presentation Night will be held on Tuesday 17 December at The Besen Centre, 7.00pm, 87-89 Station Street, Burwood. Students will be notified if they are to receive an award and will attend a rehearsal at the college next Thursday 5 December during the school day. Information regarding rehearsals and how families can purchase tickets for the night will be emailed out shortly.
2025 Hawker Scholarships
Applications for the annual 2025 Hawker Scholarships are now open. The online form can be accessed via the Hawker Scholarship website. This scholarship is open to recently graduated Year 12 students who should visit the Hawker Scholarship website and read the FAQs and other useful historical information, before they submit an application. Up to four Hawker Scholarships are awarded each year and each undergraduate residential scholarship is valued at $75,000 over three years. Applications close at 5pm on Monday 6 January 2025. Selection is largely based on personal qualities, leadership and academic achievements. The prestigious Hawker Scholarships perpetuate the memory of Australian scholar, soldier, pastoralist and statesman Charles Allan Seymour Hawker (1894-1938).
Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal