College Principal’s Report

2025 College Captains and Prefects
Congratulations to the following 2025 Year 12 students who have been elected as our college leaders. These students went through several rigorous steps to be selected, and I would like to thank Mr Grant, Head of Student Voice for overseeing this process. Congratulations to
College Captains Jimmy B and Nicola G
College Deputy Captains Cate F and Anvi R
Music Captains Ananya H and Jacqui N
Sports Captains Naomi K and Jeni R
Arts Captains Esther S and Jessie T
Wellbeing Captains Sophie E and Tasmiya H
House Captains
Bradman – Emaad S and Miyu W
Cuthbert – Mihin G and Aadithya P
Fraser – Mia J and Kimi T
Goolagong – Bhavika G and Kavil S
Landy – Alina B and Miu N
Whitten – Mia J and Marcus W
Dua A, Nikita A, Lynna B, Simar B, Faariha F, Raphael P, Ritu P, Aryan R, Zinia R, Iaroslav S, Michael S and Enara W.
Arts and Design Festival
Our inaugural Arts and Design Festival was held on Tuesday 12 November in our STEAM Centre. The quality of our students’ art and design work continues to amaze me, and many awards were presented to students. Students, parents, and staff were entertained by musical items, Drama performances and Media films. Congratulations to Ms Misa Murphy, Head of The Arts, Mr Matt Hall Head of Technology and all the arts and technology students and staff who were involved on the night.
Night at the Museum
On Thursday 14 November parents and staff had the privilege of visiting the Year 7 Night of the Museum displays. Our young historians researched civilisations from Ancient China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The students have been working hard over the past month to create replicas of artefacts and interactive displays. Thank you to all the Humanities Staff for supporting this wonderful educational opportunity for our students and well done to all the students who were involved. Special thanks to all the family members and friends who came to visit this exhibition. I know you enjoyed our students work come to life.
Community Bank Pinewood
I along with my Business Manager Mrs Kari Simmons had the pleasure of attending the Community Bank Pinewood ‘Pitch It 2024!’ Finalist Event on Thursday 14 November. On the night the Community Bank together with their Pitch Partners distributed $70,000 to thirteen City of Monash community groups for their impactful projects. This was a valuable networking opportunity for our college and a rewarding experience. Thank you to the Community Bank Pinewood for inviting us to this event.
Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program
Over 2000 applications from Year 10 students were received for this exemplary Melbourne University program this year. Mount Waverley Secondary College had one student; Jayda C accepted into the Successful Class of 2025 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars. Congratulations Jayda and thank you to Mr Tom Grant for supporting our students with their applications.
Mango Drive
Thank you to all the families who ordered a tray of mangoes in this year’s Mango Drive. We are expecting the mangoes to be delivered by early December. Families will be notified when they arrive and where to collect your order.
Parent and carer School Saving Bonus code distribution
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
From Tuesday 26 November 2024, you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities. To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | ( A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
2024 Examination Dates
The exam dates are as follows:
- Year 10 and 11 exams start Monday 11th November and finish Thursday 21st November.
- Year 9 exams start Wednesday 20th November and finish Thursday 21st November.
- Correction Day / Student Free Day will be held on Friday 22nd November.
- The Early Commencement Program (ECP) for 2025 Years 11 and 12 will run for two weeks and will be held from Monday 25th November until Friday 6th December.
The Early Commencement Program (ECP) for 2025 Years 8,9 and 10 will run for two and a half weeks and will be held from Monday 25th November until Tuesday 10th December.
Year End Program (YEP)
Year 7-9 students will be invited to attend the YEP activities program at the end of the year. Parents have received notification regarding this program via Compass.
Presentation Night
This year, Presentation Night will be held on Tuesday 17 December at The Besen Centre, 7.00pm, 87-89 Station Street, Burwood. Students will be notified if they are to receive an award and details regarding tickets for the event will be published over the next few weeks.
Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal