College Principal’s Report

Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange
Hayley S of Year 12 has been awarded one of twelve scholarships through the Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE). On Friday 18th October, Hayley, her family and Ms Katja Chitters attended the Gala Dinner in Melbourne, where Hayley was presented with her award and the college was presented with a certificate for exceptional and outstanding contribution to German Language Teaching in Victoria. Congratulations Hayley and well done to our German Teachers for this special recognition.
State Athletics
On Monday 21st October, Mount Waverley Secondary College sent 6 students to the Victorian State Athletics Championships. All students were excellent representatives of the college on the day. Congratulations to:
Taya F – 4th in triple jump
Jimmy O – 2nd in high jump, 4th in javelin, 3rd in discus
Zachary C – 4th in 800m, 15th in 1500m
Jaiden L – 4th in triple jump
Harry I – 4th in discus
Special thanks to our Sports Leaders Mr Danny Gwynne and Mr Jay Newport for attending on the day and supporting our students.
Year 12 Celebration Day
The Year 12 students celebrated their final school day on Tuesday 22nd October. The students arrived in fancy dress and the theme was ‘Dress as your future profession’. A rehearsal for their Graduation Evening was held and students then received their celebration packs which included their Year 12 Yearbook, a MWSC Coffee Keep Cup and a group photo, before partaking in a pizza lunch to finish off their celebrations.
Thank you to the Senior School team for overseeing this event and thank you to all the teachers who came to support our Year 12s on their final day of school.
Graduation Evening: Farewelling our Year 12 Class of 2024
Our Year 12 Graduation/Valedictory Dinner was held on Wednesday 23rd October. This year due to our growing number of Year 12 students, we moved back to having a celebration dinner which was held at the Caulfield Racecourse, and it was a great success. The evening was full of nostalgia as we celebrated the achievements of each of our Year 12 students from the Class of 2024.
The evening provided an opportunity to acknowledge the great contribution of all the past teachers from Prep to Year 12 who have significantly influenced our students’ development into fine young men and women – not to mention the invaluable guidance and support provided by parents and carers.
On the night we announced our 2024 Valedictorian. Congratulations to Lachlan S who gave the Valedictorian speech which was well received. The Year 12 students were also presented with their Year 12 Certificate on this night.
I am so proud of our Year 12 students whose behaviour has been exemplary as they completed their final lessons and celebrated their final days of secondary school. The Class of 2024 commenced their exams last Tuesday and our best wishes are with them as they do their complete their final assessments over the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Ms Jo Rogers – Head of Senior School, Mr James Johnston – Senior School Leader and their team and Mrs Narda McLennan for the countless hours that went into organising this ceremony.
World Teachers’ Day
On Friday 25th October Mount Waverley Secondary College celebrated World Teachers’ Day. Our teachers provide learning opportunities for our students’ way beyond what is expected. They strive to always improve their professional practice, in order to support students to achieve excellent learning outcomes. Often the efforts of our teachers are not acknowledged, but the rewards they experience in supporting students to achieve success are priceless. On behalf of all the students and parents, I thank our brilliant team of teachers for always giving their best to make Mount Waverley Secondary College a great educational provider.
Year 7 Band Program Afternoons
Well done to the entire Instrumental and Classroom Music teams for overseeing the organisation of the two wonderful Year 7 Band Program concerts held this week. The weather was perfect, and the performances and music were also great. I know the parents who attended relished the opportunity to come on campus and celebrate our students’ efforts.
Professional Practice Day
Just a reminder that next Monday 4th November is a student free day as all teachers will be involved in Professional Practice meetings during this time.
Mango Drive
Thank you to all the families who ordered a tray of mangoes in this year’s Mango Drive. We are expecting the mangoes to be delivered in the week starting 25 November. Families will be notified when they arrive and where to collect your order.
Scholarships to support students
Scholarships are available for students who complete Grade 4 to Year 11 in 2024, and for students enrolled in Year 12 in 2024 who plan to do tertiary studies in 2025.
The Department of Education administers a number of scholarships available to eligible students who are enrolled in Grade 4 to Year 12 in 2024.
Applicants for these scholarships will be evaluated on their:
- participation in school activities
- community involvement
- academic achievement.
Scholarships are either one-off payments or cover the duration of the student’s course or annual study.
Many of these scholarships have specific eligibility criteria, so please refer to individual applications for more information. Applications are now open, and close on Saturday 1 February 2025. For information on how to apply, refer to Student scholarships
Protecting against mosquito-borne diseases
Warm and wet weather can result in greater numbers of mosquitoes and increased risk of illnesses from mosquito bites. While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make people sick.
The best protection against mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquito bites.
Families can protect against mosquito bites by:
- covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
- applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
- limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.
Families with any health concerns should see their doctor or phone NURSE-ON-CALL: 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours).
Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines
Japanese encephalitis virus is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes and can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain. Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines are available to protect Victorians at higher risk of the virus.
The Victorian Department of Health encourages eligible people who live or work in high-risk local government areas to get vaccinated. For more information, including what is considered a high-risk area and eligibility for a free vaccine, refer to the Department of Health’s Japanese encephalitis webpage.
Find out more
For more information on protecting against mosquito-borne diseases, families can refer to the following Better Health Channel pages:
- Mosquitoes can carry diseases
- Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease, including a handy checklist to help reduce mosquito breeding sites at home and resources translated into other languages.
2024 Examination Dates
The exam dates are as follows:
- Year 10 and 11 exams start Monday 18th November and finish Thursday 21st November.
- Year 9 exams start Wednesday 20th November and finish Thursday 21st November.
- Correction Day / Student Free Day will be held on Friday 22nd November.
- The Early Commencement Program (ECP) for 2025 Years 11 and 12 will run for two weeks and will be held from Monday 25th November until Friday 6th December.
- The Early Commencement Program (ECP) for 2025 Years 8,9 and 10 will run for two and a half weeks and will be held from Monday 25th November until Tuesday 10th December.
Year End Program (YEP)
Year 7-9 students will be invited to attend the YEP activities program at the end of the year. Parents have received notification regarding this program via Compass.
Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal