College Principal’s Report

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German Poetry Competition

On Friday 2 August we hosted the AGTV (Association of German Teachers of Victoria) German Poetry Competition at the Junior Campus. It is always nice to be able to welcome students from other schools into our wonderful learning community, and the competition ran very smoothly. Thank you to Ms Katja Chitters-Head of German for her organization of this event.


Another VSMF Gold Medal

In the last newsletter I shared with you the exciting news that our Senior Stage Band and Jazz Band both won gold medals at the Victorian Schools Music Festival (VSMF). Not to be outdone our Junior Choir also won the Gold Award in the Junior Secondary Choir division at the VSMF on Wednesday 7 August.

There were 44 students who performed in the choir, many of whom were performing for the first time in this setting. They performed two pieces, one of which was composed by the adjudicator, Mr Mark Puddy. He provided the choir with very positive feedback at the end and commented on how much the choir had improved from last year, when he adjudicated the choir at another competition. Congratulations to conductor Mr Tom Frost and student accompanist, Jorin T of Year 8, who played extremely well. It was a fantastic result. Congratulations to all the students involved!


VCE Leadership Awards

One of our College Captains students; Georgia K has been shortlisted for the ‘2024 VCE Leader of the Year’. Only eight leaders from across the state are chosen by VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) each year. This is an amazing achievement, and the award ceremony will be held at the end of this term. Thank you to Mr Tom Grant, Acting Head of Student Voice for his work in supporting our student leaders.


Minster for Youth Visit

We had a visit from MP Ms Natalie Suleyman, Minister for Youth and our local MP for Ashwood, Mr Matt Fregon on Friday 9 August. Thank you to Mr Tom Grant for bringing his Year 12 Global Politics class to meet our special visitors. The students were able to discuss various issues and ask questions of the Minister and Matt.


2024 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey

Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.

Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.

The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024. A random sample of parents / caregivers / guardians have been selected to participate in this year’s survey.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents / caregivers / guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Please contact the school for survey guides in your language.


 MWSC Raffle 2024

We have been working hard on sourcing some great prizes for our College Raffle this year. Over $6000 worth of prizes have been sought including a Soniq 55″ 4K UltraHD TV, a Mastercolour paint offer, Winery tour, Gift cards and many more fantastic prizes.
Please support the college by buying some tickets.  Tickets are on sale now via Compasstix and will close on Monday 26 August.
The raffle will be drawn on Friday 30 August.

Feel free to forward the Compasstix link below to family and friends.  All proceeds will go towards the purchase of student-led college initiatives.  Compasstix link:

We would like to thank all our sponsors for their generous donations this year; Bounce Inc, Bud to Bloom, Campion Education, Driver Bus Lines, Funfield Adventure Park, Gumbuya World, Learning with Technologies, Master Colour Pty Ltd, Melbourne Racing Club, Novotel Glen Waverley, Premier Paper, Premier Waste, Quinces Bus Hire, Ross Haywood Sports, Schoolfurn, Texas Instruments and Toshiba.


MWSC 60th Anniversary Celebration – Wednesday 4 September at 3pm

Mount Waverley Secondary College is celebrating 60 years!  Come along and join us for a memorable afternoon. Tour our brand-new STEAM centre, view our historical displays and listen to musical performances from our very talented students.   There will also be a sausage sizzle and bake sale available on the day.

Date:     Wednesday, 4 September 2024
Time:     From 3pm to 6pm
Venue:   MWSC Senior Campus, enter via Gate 1 Lechte Road, Gate 6 Beaufort Street or Gate 7 Gordon Street Carpark.

We look forward to seeing you there!





Student Parent Teacher Conferences

On Thursday 12 September student/parent/teacher conferences will occur. The day will run from 1 pm until 7.30 pm and appointments will take place virtually via WebEx. Please note classes will not be held on this day.


The 2024 Victorian State Schools Spectacular

The 2024 Victorian State Schools Spectacular brings together government school communities from across Victoria to produce a 3-hour live show including music, dance, circus arts, puppetry, and skating. This year’s show will be performed to an audience of about 12,000 people at John Cain Arena on Saturday 14 September, over 2 shows at 1 pm and 6:30 pm. Talented Victorian students will feature on stage, while many other students will work behind the scenes, gaining unique, on-the-job, professional experience.

For a fun, family entertainment experience, and to cheer on students from the audience, be quick to secure tickets through Ticketek.
Adult tickets cost $40; children aged under 15, $20; and concession, $30.

Buy 10 tickets and get one adult ticket free (the 11th ticket is free) by calling Group Bookings on 1300 364 001.




Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal

Campus Principal’s Report – Junior School

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Uniform Shop Volunteers

Our school has been very fortunate to have a wonderful group of parent helpers who have managed the second-hand uniform shop over the past few years.

Many of their children graduate this year, and therefore we will see the end of their excellent contribution to our community. We are looking for a new energetic team of volunteers to take over the uniform shop. If you are interested, and would like more information, please complete this survey. No matter what amount of time you are able to contribute, we would love to hear from you.


Pharaoh Exhibition

We were thrilled for our Year 7s, who were able to attend the Pharaoh Exhibition last week. Here is a brief insight from Maya (7M):

Last week all the Year 7s went on an excursion to the Pharaoh exhibition at the NGV.  The excursion began with a presentation breaking down each of the seven rooms in the exhibition, with each room focusing on a different part of the Ancient Egyptian civilization. The students learned about key events in Egypt’s history, what different artefacts meant and what they were used for, and were able to develop a new understanding of Ancient Egypt through this fascinating exhibition. Each room contained real artefacts from Ancient Egypt that the British museum generously lent out, and the year sevens were able to look at statues of gods & goddesses, jewellery people had worn at the time and other objects people may have used in their day-to-day life. Overall this excursion was received extremely well and was considered a huge success throughout the entirety of the year level.

Thanks to Maya for her reflection, and to all the staff who attended the excursion last week. A special thanks goes to Ms Cathleen Howell, who oversaw the program.


Japanese Speech Competition

Last Sunday Ms Michelle Lukaczynski supervised six of our students (four from the Junior Campus) at the Japanese Languages Teacher Association of Victoria Speech Competition at the Hawthorn Arts Centre.

Students had to memorise a set speech and an original speech in Japanese and perform in front of a large audience and judges. There were many students participating from all over Victoria and our students did exceptionally well:

7/8 Individual Division: Bahar – Year 8 (3rd Place)
7/8 Pair Division: Veronika and Aanya – Year 7
Open 7-10 Division: Sora Year 8 (3rd Place)




Mr Matt Sheehan
Campus Principal – Junior School

Campus Principal’s Report – Middle School

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Students are fully immersed in their learning across the college.  As we moved towards the second part of the term it is important for students to keep up to date with their class work and support their learning by undertaking homework and home study.  There has been a great deal of activity in the college in regard to subject and course selections for 2025.  With students and parents involved in information sessions to help support the course selection process.  As we move through the semester further work will occur working with students on moving into the new academic year in 2025.


Student Parent Teacher Conferences

These important meetings are scheduled for Thursday 12th September.  This is an opportunity for students and parents to meet with teachers, receive feedback on learning and determine action plans for further improvement in term 4.  I would strongly encourage both students and parents attend these meetings.  Further information about these meetings will be forwarded to parents through Compass in the coming weeks.


Uniform Shop Volunteers

Our school has been very fortunate to have a wonderful group of parent helpers who have managed the second-hand uniform shop over the past few years.

Many of their children graduate this year, and therefore we will see the end of their excellent contribution to our community. We are looking for a new energetic team of volunteers to take over the uniform shop. If you are interested, and would like more information, please complete this survey. No matter what amount of time you are able to contribute, we would love to hear from you.


Senior Campus Wellbeing Zone

We are redeveloping some classrooms on the Senior Campus into a Wellbeing Zone.  Our builders have been working hard and they are just about to finish their work.  Our painters have started to give it some colour.  Across the coming weeks – electricians, plumbers and cabinet makers will all be in to add more to this space.  This space will be a great addition to the college and it further supports our wellbeing team and programs.




Mr Ian MacLeod
Campus Principal – Middle School

Campus Principal’s Report – Senior School

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This week marks the half-way point through Term 3. Most of our year 12s are experiencing a slight lull in SACs, but we are encouraging them to maintain the momentum, keep up to date with their work, and ensure that regular study is still occurring at home. Year 11s should have all completed their course selections for next year in order for us to begin working on our 2025 timetable. A reminder that our wonderful Careers Team are more than happy to meet with students who have questions around their post secondary school options whatever pathway they are considering following.


Professional Learning Week

This week in lieu of our regular meetings staff have had the opportunity to engage in a variety of Professional Learning sessions designed to support MWSC’s AIP goals around Curriculum, Student Learning Growth, Numeracy, Literacy and implementing the Vocational Major. These sessions were run by Learning Specialists and Leading Teachers and help support our teachers continue to develop their skills and practices.


Year 10-11 Course Interviews

On Friday August 9 year 10 classes were canceled to allow students to meet with a staff member to complete their VCE course selection for 2025. The students were well prepared, and it was clear much consideration had gone into their choices. It was rewarding to hear students were making their choices based on subject enjoyment, requirements for possible university courses and the need to have a balanced course load. The day wouldn’t have run so smoothly without the support from many people, so a big thank you to everyone involved; Ms Jo Rogers, Mr James Johnston, Mr Andrew Morton, Mr Chris Bamford, Ms Sunita Sewani, Mr Tristan Dunkley, Ms Stephanie Xing, Mr Aayush Khosla, Mr Liam Wall, Ms Elizabeth Sutherland, Mr Wayne Griffin, Mr Phil Newnham, Ms Victoria Tortopidis, Ms Robyn Whitelaw, Mr James Glover, Ms Melissa Chapman, Mr Ian MacLeod, Mr Andrew Wallace, Ms Sarah Smith, Ms Yu Sun and Ms Vanessa Chong.


Year 12 PJ Day

In order to celebrate the half-way mark of Term 3 our year 12 students had their annual PJ Day. They were also provided with a pancake lunch cooked by the Year 11 leaders and supported by the senior subschool team and Trish Munday. It is always a fun day with the Year 12s gladly taking the opportunity to wear their comfiest sleepwear to school.


Uniform Shop Volunteers

Our school has been very fortunate to have a wonderful group of parent helpers who have managed the second-hand uniform shop over the past few years.

Many of their children graduate this year, and therefore we will see the end of their excellent contribution to our community. We are looking for a new energetic team of volunteers to take over the uniform shop. If you are interested, and would like more information, please complete this survey. No matter what amount of time you are able to contribute, we would love to hear from you.




Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School

Head of German Report

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Regional German Poetry Competition

The 2024 Regional German Poetry Competition took place on Friday 2nd August.  Mount Waverley Secondary College hosted this event for the first time, and it was a great success. 40 selected German students from Box Hill High School, Brentwood Secondary College and MWSC were invited to participate in this event.
Students worked very hard in the previous weeks to learn and memorise their individual poems to recite them with excellent pronunciation, intonation and gesture.

Congratulations to the following MWSC Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists:

Year 7
First place: Aliyah S
Second place: Samual F

Year 8
German as a Foreign Language
Second place: Anika S
Third place: Advika G

German Native Speakers
First place: Chloe B
Third place: Viktoria K

Year 9
First place: Joel E
Second place: Holly F



German Language Assistant – Justine Schindler

We are very lucky to host a language assistant from Germany. Her name is Justine Schindler, and she will be staying with us until October. Justine comes from Bremen, a town in the north of Germany. Before coming to Melbourne, she finished her bachelor’s degree in Languages (German/English). Justine studies to become a teacher, at the University of Oldenburg.

Justine has lived in America for 2 years studying at Oakland University in Michigan.  She likes to dance and having coffee with friends. Her favourite thing in Australia are Koalas.

Particularly at VCE level, Justine is providing assistance in conversation practice to our Year 12 students. Continuous conversation practice on a one to one basis or in small groups with a native speaker is a great opportunity to improve students’ communication skills in German. Students are benefitting from this valuable experience not only in improving their fluency, but also in improving their cultural knowledge. Getting used to speaking in a foreign language on a regular basis will enable students to step out of their comfort zone, become risk takers and strengthen their passion for language learning.




Ms Katja Chitters
Head of German

Music Director’s Report

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VSMF Junior Choir

Last week our Junior Choir, directed by Mr Tom Frost attended the Victorian Schools Music Festival for the first time participating in the Junior Secondary Choir division.

There were 44 students who performed in the choir, most of whom were performing for the first time in this setting. The group performed two pieces, one of which was composed by the adjudicator, Mr Mark Puddy. He provided the choir with very positive feedback following the performance in an onstage tutorial as part of the festival. Thanks to Ms Melissa Knowles and Ms Sherilyn Lee who came along to support. We also had a student accompanist, Jorin T in Year 8, who played extremely well.

We are proud to announce that the group was awarded a Gold Award for their performance. Congratulations to the Junior Choir on this great success!


Upcoming Music Dates

  • Thursday 22 August – VSMF Chamber Strings
  • Friday 23 August – VSMF Presto Strings
  • Wednesday 28 August – VSMF Concert Band & Symphonic Band
  • Wednesday 4 September – 60th Anniversary Celebrations (Music Performances)
  • Monday 9th September – Chamber Strings South Street
  • Thursday 12th September – Stage Band South Street
  • Tuesday 17th September – New Zealand Tour, Online Information Evening at 7:30pm
  • Thursday 19 September – Unit 3 Recital




Mrs Tijtje Keatley
Music Director

Careers News

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School Holiday Event – Biomolecular Horizons 2024



GTAC – A free eventConnect with practising scientists.

This school holiday event offers opportunities for students to connect with practising scientists.

Deadline Aug 31, 2024.
Numbers are limited. Register now to avoid disappointment.








Work Experience 2025

Year 10 Students in 2025 will have the opportunity to participate in the Work Experience program, a five-day placement where students are placed with employers. This program offers invaluable insights into the “World of Work” and helps students build essential skills for their future careers.

Some work experience opportunities require up to 12 months advance notice. I have put together a list of potential work experience placements that may be of interest and that need advance notice. Please check the email sent through compass this week to Parents and Students for more details.


University Courses with early closing dates

Some courses listed on VTAC have early closing dates. Please check the list carefully, click here. Courses not on this list can be added after the closing dates shown. Please check with us if you are not sure.  If you wish to apply for any courses on the list, please ensure they are on your preference list by the closing date. After this date, these courses will be unable to be added to your preference list. If you delete the course from your preference list after this date, you will be unable to re-add the course. If in doubt, please speak to one of the careers team members.

Year 12 students are encouraged to book a meeting with Careers to discuss options after Year 12 including:

  • Take a gap year
  • Seek full time work
  • Study at TAFE or University
  • Apprenticeship or traineeship




Mr Phil Newnham and Ms Victoria Tortopidis
Careers Education

Alumni News

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There are three simple ways you can stay in touch with the Alumni community:

Register your details below to become part of our Alumni community and receive directly to your inbox news on upcoming events and reunions.
Register here

• Facebook
The Alumni Facebook page is another online platform I encourage you to ‘like’ as it highlights some achievements and each month features “MWSC Alumni of the Month”.

• LinkedIn
Mount Waverley Secondary College LinkedIn Group


We welcome any updates of achievements and celebrations, we love to hear all about what our Alumni are up to, email me at



Ms Victoria Tortopidis
Alumni Coordinator

MWSC College News – Issue 12