College Principal’s Report
Magnificent Work of our Education Support Staff
On Thursday 16th May our Education Support staff were acknowledged and celebrated for their contribution to the college. We are very fortunate to have a terrific team of support staff. They help to care for and educate your children and run our college. Our Education Support staff, to mention a few, include our friendly and caring Admin and Finance staff, Wellbeing staff, Inclusion Assistants, Nurses, Interpreter/EAL Assistants, Resource Centre, Science Laboratory and Food Tech staff, as well as skilled maintenance and ICT staff.
It is such personnel who are quiet achievers and who so admirably support our teaching staff in effectively delivering the curriculum. This large team of personnel are ably led by our talented Business Manager Ms Kari Simmons.
On behalf of the college community, I wish to thank our Education Support staff for their significant contribution to our college.
Senior Campus Careers Week
Special thanks to Mr Paul Newnham our Careers Education Manager and Mrs Victoria Tortopidis our Careers Education and Alumni Coordinator, for putting together a fantastic program of sessions for Career Week last week. It was pleasing to see so many students engage across the week to hear from a range of presenters.
Celebrating Diversity – IDAHOBIT Day
Our staff and students organised activities on both campuses to help celebrate diversity at Mount Waverley Secondary College recently. It is lovely to see that we are an inclusive school.
Professional Practice Day in Semester 2, 2024
The Department of Education has approved that teaching staff will be entitled to 1 professional practice day in 2024.
The department recommends that schools hold this professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to make it easier for schools who are finding it hard to source casual relief teachers.
Our professional practice day for 2024 will be held on Monday 4 November (the day before Cup Day) and students are not expected to attend school (unless they have scheduled Year 12 VCAA examinations on this day).
Preparing for Examinations
At this time of year our students are diligently studying for their outcomes and exams. It has been pleasing to see students studying in the library and VCE Centre, attending Homework Club, catching up with teachers for additional support and attending revision classes to ensure they are thoroughly prepared for their exams.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish each student all the best for their exams. I am sure they will be rewarded with results that reflect the hard work that has been undertaken throughout the first semester. Our learning community is proud of the way our students approach their learning, whether it be academic studies, learning a musical instrument, mastering a drama performance, or representing our college in one of our many leadership programs. Our students and teachers approach all activities with great enthusiasm, matching this with hard work and knowing they will achieve success by giving their best
Exam Dates 2024:
Year 9: Monday 3 June –Friday 7 June
Year 10 & 11: Monday 3 June– Friday 7 June and Tuesday 11 June – Thursday 13 June
General Achievement Test (GAT): Tuesday 18 June
Year 10 Work Experience
All year 10 students are expected to complete a week of Work Experience during the last week of term from Monday 24 – Friday 28 June. If students need help finding a placement, they should look for guidance on our college website as there are over 400 employers listed there. For easy access to Careers Corner students can click on the link below. or make an appointment with our Careers team which comprises our Careers Manager Mr Phil Newnham and our Careers Education and Alumni Coordinator Mrs Victoria Tortopidis.
Work Experience is an opportunity to give our students:
- an understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers.
- an opportunity to explore possible career options.
- increased self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence
- increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training.
- a better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare young people for work.
- an introduction to workplace recruitment practices.
- enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment.
- the opportunity to include the employer’s work experience evaluation in future job and course applications.
- opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire skills.
- the chance to ‘try out’ a workplace.
Source: Work experience manual for Victorian Secondary Schools
I would like to sincerely thank Mrs Tortopidis for her work in organising all the documentation required to send our students into the workplace.
Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal