College Principal’s Report

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Magnificent Work of our Education Support Staff                                                   

On Thursday 16th May our Education Support staff were acknowledged and celebrated for their contribution to the college.  We are very fortunate to have a terrific team of support staff. They help to care for and educate your children and run our college.  Our Education Support staff, to mention a few, include our friendly and caring Admin and Finance staff, Wellbeing staff, Inclusion Assistants, Nurses, Interpreter/EAL Assistants, Resource Centre, Science Laboratory and Food Tech staff, as well as skilled maintenance and ICT staff.

It is such personnel who are quiet achievers and who so admirably support our teaching staff in effectively delivering the curriculum.  This large team of personnel are ably led by our talented Business Manager Ms Kari Simmons.

On behalf of the college community, I wish to thank our Education Support staff for their significant contribution to our college.


Senior Campus Careers Week

Special thanks to Mr Paul Newnham our Careers Education Manager and Mrs Victoria Tortopidis our Careers Education and Alumni Coordinator, for putting together a fantastic program of sessions for Career Week last week. It was pleasing to see so many students engage across the week to hear from a range of presenters.


Celebrating Diversity – IDAHOBIT Day 

Our staff and students organised activities on both campuses to help celebrate diversity at Mount Waverley Secondary College recently. It is lovely to see that we are an inclusive school.

Professional Practice Day in Semester 2, 2024 

The Department of Education has approved that teaching staff will be entitled to 1 professional practice day in 2024.

The department recommends that schools hold this professional practice day on the same day for all staff.  This is to make it easier for schools who are finding it hard to source casual relief teachers.

Our professional practice day for 2024 will be held on Monday 4 November (the day before Cup Day) and students are not expected to attend school (unless they have scheduled Year 12 VCAA examinations on this day).


Preparing for Examinations

At this time of year our students are diligently studying for their outcomes and exams.  It has been pleasing to see students studying in the library and VCE Centre, attending Homework Club, catching up with teachers for additional support and attending revision classes to ensure they are thoroughly prepared for their exams.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each student all the best for their exams.  I am sure they will be rewarded with results that reflect the hard work that has been undertaken throughout the first semester.  Our learning community is proud of the way our students approach their learning, whether it be academic studies, learning a musical instrument, mastering a drama performance, or representing our college in one of our many leadership programs.  Our students and teachers approach all activities with great enthusiasm, matching this with hard work and knowing they will achieve success by giving their best

Exam Dates 2024:

Year 9:  Monday 3 June –Friday 7 June

Year 10 & 11:  Monday 3 June– Friday 7 June and Tuesday 11 June – Thursday 13 June

General Achievement Test (GAT):  Tuesday 18 June 


Year 10 Work Experience

All year 10 students are expected to complete a week of Work Experience during the last week of term from Monday 24 – Friday 28 June. If students need help finding a placement, they should look for guidance on our college website as there are over 400 employers listed there.  For easy access to Careers Corner students can click on the link below. or make an appointment with our Careers team which comprises our Careers Manager Mr Phil Newnham and our Careers Education and Alumni Coordinator Mrs Victoria Tortopidis.

Work Experience is an opportunity to give our students:

  • an understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers.
  • an opportunity to explore possible career options.
  • increased self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence
  • increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training.
  • a better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare young people for work.
  • an introduction to workplace recruitment practices.
  • enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment.
  • the opportunity to include the employer’s work experience evaluation in future job and course applications.
  • opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire skills.
  • the chance to ‘try out’ a workplace.

 Source: Work experience manual for Victorian Secondary Schools

I would like to sincerely thank Mrs Tortopidis for her work in organising all the documentation required to send our students into the workplace.



Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal

Campus Principal’s Report – Junior School

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Car Parking at the Junior Campus

This is a reminder to all families that unfortunately there is no parking available on-site at the Junior Campus. We ask that any families travelling by car make use of the streets adjacent to, and opposite, the campus, while respecting our neighbours’ needs. We also ask that families refrain from stopping on Stephensons Rd. for pick-ups and drop-offs as this is very disruptive to the flow of traffic.


Junior Campus Tours

Throughout this term, we have had a number of Campus Tours running at the Junior Campus. In fact, around 600 people have signed up to look around our Junior School. The purpose of these tours is to allow prospective students and families to see our learning community on a normal school day. While we understand that this can be a distraction for our students and teachers at times, we value the opportunity to welcome new members to our college community.


Every day counts

Did you know:

  • Patterns of late arrival at school or missing classes are early warning signs of disengagement?
  • Missing one day of school each week adds up to two months per year?
  • Each day of absence has an impact on skill development and important social connections
  • Poor attendance may be associated with future unemployment, criminal activity, substance abuse, and poorer health and life expectancy?

Top tips:

  • We want to work in partnership with parents – act early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s school and asking for advice and support
  • Remember that every day counts
  • There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness
  • Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day
  • Open and prompt communication with the school about all absences is a good idea
  • Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term
  • Seek help from the school if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. We want to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing


Respect for School Staff Policy 

All staff at Mount Waverley Secondary College have a right to a safe and supportive work environment, and we expect that parents/carers and visitors behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times. There is a Respect for School Staff Policy that has been added to the school’s website that outlines our expectations of all visitors to our college. The college welcomes feedback that is communicated in a respectful and constructive manner and parents/carers are reminded to follow the process outlined in the Complaints Policy located on the college’s website.



Mr Matt Sheehan
Campus Principal – Junior School

Campus Principal’s Report – Middle School

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As we move through Term 2, our Year 10 students are finishing their courses in readiness for their first semester exams.  They will also undertake Work Experience.  The final preparations for Work Experience are being made with our Year 10 students starting their placements on Monday 24 June for one week.  This is a great opportunity for students to experience the world of work.

For our Year 9 students they are getting towards the end of their coursework and are about to begin their first experience of mid-year exams in the coming weeks.  The Year 9 Explore Program is in the final stages of being organised with students receiving information about this program over the last few weeks.  The Explore program follows the exam period starting on Tuesday 11 June running for three days.

All students have a Correction Day (student free day) on Friday 14 June to allow staff to finalise all assessments and reporting for Semester 1 prior to commencing Semester 2 on Monday 17 June.


Respect for School Staff Policy 

All staff at Mount Waverley Secondary College have a right to a safe and supportive work environment, and we expect that parents/carers and visitors behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times. There is a Respect for School Staff Policy that has been added to the school’s website that outlines our expectations of all visitors to our college. The college welcomes feedback that is communicated in a respectful and constructive manner and parents/carers are reminded to follow the process outlined in the Complaints Policy located on the college’s website.



Mr Ian MacLeod
Campus Principal – Middle School

Campus Principal’s Report – Senior School

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Well, we are half-way through a busy term 2. I would like to congratulate our year 12 students who sat their Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) exams this week for English, Biology and Accounting. They have worked so hard and should be proud of being one step closer toward achieving their VCE. Thanks to our NHT teachers for all their support to get the students to this point.


Learning Walks

Over the last two weeks our staff have been engaging in Learning Walks across both the Junior and Senior Campuses. Learning Walks occur in small groups and are led by a member of the School Improvement Team. It is an opportunity for our teachers to observe each other and reflect on how their observations could support their own practice, and foster conversations about teaching and learning. It is always a privilege to get the opportunity to visit another teacher’s classroom and our staff found the process valuable for their continued development.


The General Achievement Test (GAT)

The GAT is a test sat by all students studying a Unit 3 and 4 subject and will take place on June 18. The GAT is structured into two sections, with a range of question difficulties. Section A is a literacy and numeracy assessment comprised of multiple choice questions relating to reading and numeracy, and a writing task. Section B assesses general knowledge and skills and is comprised of multiple choice questions relating to maths, science, technology, arts and humanities and an extended writing task. The GAT plays a role in the quality assurance of all VCE assessments and it is important that all students try their absolute best on this assessment. Students will be receiving information relating to the GAT in their mentoring classes and year level assemblies.



Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 will sit mid-year exams. For our Year 11 students these exams are an opportunity to test their understanding and knowledge of the skills and content covered in semester one. Exam practice is an important experience for our students to assist them in preparing for the Year 12 exams next year. I would like to encourage our students to use the exam advice provided to them by their teachers, seek out their teachers for assistance, and ensure they follow a study timetable to help them manage their time.


Respect for School Staff Policy

All staff at Mount Waverley Secondary College have a right to a safe and supportive work environment, and we expect that parents/carers and visitors behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times. There is a Respect for School Staff Policy that has been added to the school’s website that outlines our expectations of all visitors to our college. The college welcomes feedback that is communicated in a respectful and constructive manner and parents/carers are reminded to follow the process outlined in the Complaints Policy located on the college’s website.



Ms Lauren Kelly
Acting Campus Principal – Senior School

Sport News

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Intermediate Boys Football

Last Thursday 16 May, the Intermediates Boys AFL team competed in the Division Football Round Robin.

After lots of long grueling lunch time sessions ran by super coaches Mr Waters and Mr Wheeler, the ‘Unicorns’ were ready for the big day.
The day started of with a 8 goal win against Highvale SC, followed by a more stressful win against a tough Glen Waverley SC team by 2 goals.
MWSC required a win against Vermont SC in the final round in order to move on to the Regional Finals. The ‘Corn’s spirit and momentum overan a talented Vermont SC team by 3 goals in a memorable performance from the whole team especially the likes of Joshua I (Year 10) Nathan W (Year 9) and Will L (Year 10) who all contributed in important moments to help secure the win.

The Unicorns will look to take a step closer to the state championship in their next round robin tournament in the Regional Competition.  Wish us luck!

by Noah B (Year 10)


Career News

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We are required by the Department of Education to meet with every Year 12 student individually to provide Career counselling and guidance. This is a 30 minute meeting to discuss your 2024 pathway. It is an informal chat to identify a student’s pathway, to discuss tertiary courses, the VTAC process, SEAS application, provide considerations, research strategies, early offer programs and so much more.


Mr Phil Newnham and Ms Victoria Tortopidis
Careers Education

Alumni News

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School Reunion Tours

The School Tour Reunion tickets for past students of Class 1994 and 2004 is opened through the try booking link below. We would love to see you. We are also pleased to extend a warm invite to include past students from other classes as listed below.


Class of 1994, 2004

Friday, 21 June 2024

(We are pleased to extend a warm invite to include past students from classes of 1990, 1991, 1992 and 2000, 2001, 2002)




Ms Victoria Tortopidis
Alumni Coordinator

Numeracy for Families

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This newsletter aims to bridge the gap between the classroom and your home, helping you to support your child’s numeracy development in a fun and engaging way. Numeracy goes beyond just addition and subtraction. It’s about applying maths concepts to solve problems and make sense of the world around us. Through this newsletter, we hope to provide families with some helpful hints and tips to increase their numeracy skills.


Long Weekend Fun!

Are you hitting the road this long weekend?

Many families will be travelling near and far to enjoy the long weekend. But even if you’re staying put, there are fun ways to incorporate numeracy skills into your plans.

Numeracy while you’re out and about:

  • Calculating Travel:
    • Plan your route together and estimate the travel time. Count the number of towns you’ll pass through or time how long it takes to drive between landmarks.
    • When you pass a speed sign, calculate the distance you will go if you travel for 1 hour (or 30 min or 4 hours) at this speed.
    • Try estimating the distance of your trip and have your child compare it to the actual kilometres on the odometer.
  • Fuel Efficiency:
    • Discuss petrol prices and estimate the cost of petrol for your trip. Let your child help you calculate the total cost based on distance and fuel efficiency of your car.
    • For electric vehicle owners, explore apps that calculate charging stops based on battery range and plan your route accordingly.
  • Budgeting:
    • Set a budget for the weekend, including activities, meals, and souvenirs. Involve your child in planning how to spend it wisely – you could use Excel or Google Sheets to help keep track of this.
    • Let them track expenses and calculate how much is left in the budget throughout the weekend.


Numeracy at Home:

  • Board Game Night:
    • Revisit your classic board or card games. Many involve counting, adding, and following game rules.
    • Or find a newer board game that involves the concept of engine-building that encourages strategic thinking, planning and logical reasoning. Engine-building board games create systems you add to with each turn and become more powerful as the game progresses.


Remember, the key is to make it fun!

By incorporating numeracy skills into your long weekend plans, you’re helping your child develop a positive association with maths and build a strong foundation for future learning.

Happy Travels (or staycation) and have a wonderful long weekend.



Mrs Tijtje Keatley and Ms Cassie Morris
Learning Specialists 

MWSC College News – Issue 7