2024 Term Dates
Term 1: 29 January (school teachers start) – 30 January (students commence) to 28 March
Term 2: 15 April to 28 June
Term 3: 15 July to 20 September
Term 4: 7 October to 20 December
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: 28 January (school teachers start) – 29 January (students commence) to 4 April
Term 2: 22 April to 4 July
Term 3: 21 July to 19 September
Term 4: 6 October to 19 December
2026 Term Dates
Term 1: 27 January (school teachers start) –  28 January (students commence) to 2 April
Term 2: 20 April to 26 June
Term 3: 13 July to 18 September
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December