Literacy tips With Literacy demands being such critical skills for navigating our modern world (as well as many of the assessments students complete), teachers and students at Mount Waverley Secondary College have a big focus on developing Literacy skills in our classes. We will be sharing some tips for how you can support Literacy at … Continued Read More

Term 2 – Welcome back I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I am excited to have started my tenth year of service as your College Principal at Mount Waverley Secondary College this term. It is inspiring for me to be part of a learning community where teachers, parents/carers and students are passionate … Continued Read More

Recently for Year 9 Journalism, we got the incredible opportunity to produce our own live radio show on SYN FM. We travelled into R.M.I.T. in the city with our class to learn all about presenting on air, on live radio. When we reached the radio station we were greeted by one of the workers from SYN, who took … Continued Read More

Alumni News The School Tour Reunion tickets for past students of Class 1994 and 2004 is opened through the try booking link below. We would love to see you. We are also pleased to extend a warm invite to include past students from other classes as listed below. Class of 1994, 2004 Friday, 21 June … Continued Read More

Welcome back to term 2. It was fantastic to see our Year 11s and 12s return from school holidays refreshed and ready to go. I hope the parent/teacher/student conferences at the end of term 1 provided useful feedback and information moving forward. At the end of term 1 I spoke to each year level about … Continued Read More

Welcome back to Term 2! We trust that you have had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed some much-deserved time to rest, relax and catch up with family and friends.  We look forward to welcoming you back for an exciting Term 2.  There are many events that will be taking place this term in the … Continued Read More

Welcome back to Term 2 Welcome back to all students and parents to our second term of learning for the year.  This term always proves to be a busy term with sport, excursions, production rehearsals to name a few of the things that will be happening across this term in the middle school.  Our Year … Continued Read More

It has once again been a whirlwind start to term two. Year 7 students welcomed in the term with sessions presented by ToolBox Education. These sessions were designed to support students in their emotional regulation, and it was wonderful to see the students participating in such a great way. If you haven’t already, please encourage … Continued Read More

Becoming a British Consul General for a day (CG4D) At the start of February this year, I applied for the opportunity to become a British Consul General for a day in celebration of International Women’s Day. I answered questions about what diversity means to me, and the competition closed on Friday 23 February. Two winning … Continued Read More

Toolbox Education Toolbox Education has been proactively teaching Mount Waverley Secondary College students’ evidence-based psychological tools through fun, engaging, and relatable workshops for the past few years. Most recently they have presented to the Year 8 students on emotional regulation and to the Year 9 students on how to disengage from the negative ‘mental movies’ … Continued Read More