North Eastern Victoria Region Youth Concert I had the pleasure of attending the NEVR Youth Concert ‘Sonic Canvas’ at the Hamer Hall last week and was accompanied by Ms Kari Simmons our Business Manager. This event featured over 700 students from primary and secondary schools in the north-eastern region of the state coming together in … Continued Read More

Last week marked the exciting conclusion of the second annual Student Activities 3-on-3 Basketball Competition.  The 3-on-3 basketball matches have been taking place on the Senior Campus during lunchtime this term. After seven grueling weeks, only two of the original 24 teams remained: the Palettes and the Harlem Globebombers. In a thrilling final match, the … Continued Read More

As we move through Term 2, our Year 10 students are finishing their courses in readiness for their first semester exams.  They will also undertake Work Experience.  The final preparations for Work Experience are being made with our Year 10 students starting their placements on Monday 24 June for one week.  This is a great … Continued Read More

Magnificent Work of our Education Support Staff                                                    On Thursday 16th May our Education Support staff were acknowledged and celebrated for their contribution to the college.  We are very fortunate to have a terrific team of support staff. They help to care for and educate your children and run our college.  Our Education Support staff, to … Continued Read More

Car Parking at the Junior Campus This is a reminder to all families that unfortunately there is no parking available on-site at the Junior Campus. We ask that any families travelling by car make use of the streets adjacent to, and opposite, the campus, while respecting our neighbours’ needs. We also ask that families refrain … Continued Read More

Well, we are half-way through a busy term 2. I would like to congratulate our year 12 students who sat their Northern Hemisphere Timetable (NHT) exams this week for English, Biology and Accounting. They have worked so hard and should be proud of being one step closer toward achieving their VCE. Thanks to our NHT … Continued Read More

Welcome This newsletter aims to bridge the gap between the classroom and your home, helping you to support your child’s numeracy development in a fun and engaging way. Numeracy goes beyond just addition and subtraction. It’s about applying maths concepts to solve problems and make sense of the world around us. Through this newsletter, we … Continued Read More

School Reunion Tours The School Tour Reunion tickets for past students of Class 1994 and 2004 is opened through the try booking link below. We would love to see you. We are also pleased to extend a warm invite to include past students from other classes as listed below.   Class of 1994, 2004 Friday, … Continued Read More

We are required by the Department of Education to meet with every Year 12 student individually to provide Career counselling and guidance. This is a 30 minute meeting to discuss your 2024 pathway. It is an informal chat to identify a student’s pathway, to discuss tertiary courses, the VTAC process, SEAS application, provide considerations, research strategies, early … Continued Read More

Intermediate Boys Football Last Thursday 16 May, the Intermediates Boys AFL team competed in the Division Football Round Robin. After lots of long grueling lunch time sessions ran by super coaches Mr Waters and Mr Wheeler, the ‘Unicorns’ were ready for the big day. The day started of with a 8 goal win against Highvale … Continued Read More