College Music

Generations in Jazz Festival Last weekend, 33 students and 4 staff traveled to Mount Gambier, South Australia to take part in Generations in Jazz. GIJ is an annual jazz festival where 6000 students from across Australia travel to take part in a nation wide jazz competition, adjudicated by some of Australia’s top jazz musicians. In … Continued Read More

EMR Senior Boys Baseball and Senior Girls Softball – Tuesday 30 April The Senior Boy’s Baseball and Senior Girl’s Softball teams travelled to Knoxfield to represent Mount Waverley Secondary College at the Eastern Region Finals. The Boys dominated their pool, but sadly fell short in the final to an overwhelming performance by Blackburn Secondary College, … Continued Read More

Old Magistrate Court and Victorian Police Museum On Friday 3 May, the Year 10 Law and Order classes went on an excursion to get a firsthand look at how the legal system works. We started the say at Mount Waverely station, taking the train into the city. After a short walk, we arrived at the … Continued Read More

2024 is a historic year as the college fully implements the Vocational Major (VM) VCE course for the first time in Years 11 and 12. So far, students in both levels have participated in excursions within our local area, completed or started hands-on projects and completed coursework across our four subject areas. All students doing … Continued Read More

Careers Expo On Thursday 2 May, Year 11 students had the opportunity to attend the VCE and Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Exhibitors included educational and training providers, organisations with apprenticeship information and opportunities, defence and emergency services, providers of VCE resources, and many more.  The excursion to the Careers Expo … Continued Read More

Welcome to this issue of the Mount Waverley Secondary College Alumni Newsletter. In this edition, meet our 1964 and 1984 alumni who joined us for the School Reunion Tour in March. Get to know the MWSC Super Stage Band which is composed of music alumni from Classes 2016 to 2023. Dive into the joy of reliving treasured memories … Continued Read More

Recently for Year 9 Journalism, we got the incredible opportunity to produce our own live radio show on SYN FM. We travelled into R.M.I.T. in the city with our class to learn all about presenting on air, on live radio. When we reached the radio station we were greeted by one of the workers from SYN, who took … Continued Read More

Literacy tips With Literacy demands being such critical skills for navigating our modern world (as well as many of the assessments students complete), teachers and students at Mount Waverley Secondary College have a big focus on developing Literacy skills in our classes. We will be sharing some tips for how you can support Literacy at … Continued Read More

Alumni News The School Tour Reunion tickets for past students of Class 1994 and 2004 is opened through the try booking link below. We would love to see you. We are also pleased to extend a warm invite to include past students from other classes as listed below. Class of 1994, 2004 Friday, 21 June … Continued Read More

Term 2 – Welcome back I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I am excited to have started my tenth year of service as your College Principal at Mount Waverley Secondary College this term. It is inspiring for me to be part of a learning community where teachers, parents/carers and students are passionate … Continued Read More