Information Evening It was great to see lots of parents/carers attend our Senior School Information Evening on Tuesday! We covered several topics, including VCE terminology, SACs and Special Provisions. If you were unable to attend, you should have received an email with the slides from the presentation or you can email any questions to the … Continued Read More

Now that we are 4 weeks into term –  students have started to settle and are feeling comfortable with the transition to their new year level. Please remember that as a parent/carer you can refer your child for support through the student wellbeing team. We also offer parenting advice if you want to speak about … Continued Read More

Lions Youth of the Year  On Sunday 19 February, our College Captains, Georgia K and Madeleine D, and Deputy Captain, Pria T, all participated in the Lions Youth of the Year competition at the Ashwood-Mt Waverley Club. The competition consists of an interview and public speaking components. Each student spoke with passion and confidence about … Continued Read More

Alumni News

Welcome to the first issue of the Mount Waverley Secondary College Alumni Newsletter for 2024. These newsletters will be published on a term basis instead of monthly. In this edition, discover exciting updates about the upcoming school tour reunions hosted by the college. Delight in revisiting cherished memories and perusing nostalgic photographs from years gone by. Your … Continued Read More

School Assessed Coursework (SACs) Students completing the VCE ATAR pathway will have started their assessment tasks. A SAC calendar has been shared with students and parents/carers to support students with planning and preparing for these tasks. There are strict requirements regarding attendance and procedures for these tasks that students and teachers must follow which was … Continued Read More

Star Performers The VCE Season of Excellence is managed by Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The Season showcases work produced by outstanding VCE students who completed performing or visual arts, technology, design, or research studies in 2023. Events are presented at Melbourne’s major cultural venues, alongside associated education programs. Three of our 2023 students (who completed Unit 3&4 studies … Continued Read More

Well done to all Middle School students on their great to start to the 2024 year as we have settled back into timetabled classes. It’s been pleasing to hear positive feedback on how students have approached their learning during these first few weeks. Looking forward our Year 9 students will be engaging with the Morrisby … Continued Read More

Alumni News

  MWSC Alumni School Tour Our school tour reunions have been met with much enthusiasm from our past students which has encourage us to sustain and expand our program. We are pleased to advise that our tours in 2024 will also include additional classes years. Tours will start at 9am from the main reception of … Continued Read More

The Year 12s started the year off with a blast at The Summit Camp in Trafalgar! We all came into school on Wednesday 31 January– our official last first day of school– packed and ready to go, unsure of what to expect, but excited nevertheless.  Over the three days, we did a wide range of … Continued Read More

Australian National University, Canberra From 5-13 January I was lucky enough to participate in the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) at the Australian National University in Canberra.  The application process was fairly rigorous, consisting of a written application with school reports and teacher recommendation letters, as well as a lengthy interview. Before the program, we … Continued Read More