GRIP Leadership Conference

On Wednesday 5 March, twelve Year 11 and Year 12 students from MWSC, were lucky enough to attend the GRIP Leadership Conference, at the Melbourne Convention Centre!

At this conference, we started off by building a foundation of knowledge – learning about key values of leadership like inclusiveness and taking key action, and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in relation to the needs of students in the school environment. We considered various methods of problem solving, as well as the importance of ensuring that every member of the school feels like they can contribute.

After a tea break, we split off into elective workshops – our students, depending on what was more relevant to their role or current projects, could pick either “Creating School Events that Everyone Can Connect To”, or “Creative Ideas for your School that Aren’t Events”. These different electives gave students a wide range of tools to help with their projects, and also helped us connect with students from other schools to collaborate on ideas.

We reconvened after a lunch break to our other choice of lecture – students could choose between the workshop “Being a Leader who Supports Others”, or “Tackling Something at our School that Feels Impossible”. Again, these workshops allowed us to get a vast range of knowledge that we then collected in one place as a group at the end so we could report back to our wider leadership groups about everything we learned. 

Overall, GRIP was an interesting, interactive and informative convention that allowed us as leaders to enhance our skills and add more tools to our toolkit to help be the best student representatives we can.


by Cate F
Deputy College Captain