As we approach the last couple of weeks of a busy and productive term, I would like to congratulate our Senior Students on how well they have worked with their peers, their teachers and the Senior Subschool this term. It has made for a very positive start to the year. Most students will have SACs and Assessment Tasks due in the next couple of weeks. I encourage them to keep up the hard work, and to continue to seek support from their teachers, peers, Year Level Coordinators or Wellbeing if they need assistance.


Parent Student Teacher Conferences

Term One Parent Student Teacher Conferences will occur on Wednesday April 2nd. There are no scheduled classes on this day to enable students to attend. The conferences will take place virtually using Webex between 1pm – 7.30pm. Bookings will open to parents/carers today (Friday March 21) and will close at 9am on Monday March 31.


Harmony Week

This week both campuses celebrated Harmony Week. This is a nationally recognised week dedicated to celebrating the rich cultural diversity in Australia to promote values such as inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging. Events were held at lunchtime for students on the Senior Campus including; VR Headsets and Henna, Board Games, Outdoor sports, and a Bollywood dance. Thank you to the Wellbeing staff for running these events, and the students and teachers for their participation.


Music Soirees

This week instrumental music students from 7-12 were given the opportunity to practice performing to an audience. Across two nights students learning strings, guitar, piano, vocal, brass, woodwind and percussion performed in either small groups or as soloists. It was fantastic for the school community to be able to celebrate the hard work these young musicians had put into learning their instruments. Thanks to our wonderful instrumental teachers, Mr Lee Jones, Mr Oscar Jenkins-Wing, Ms Melissa Knowles, Ms Keryn Leintschnig, Mr Damien Maughan, Mr Timothy O’Connor, Mr Lewis Pierre-Humbert, Mr Joseph Yu and our Director of Music Mrs Tijtje Keatley for all their work in ensuring the nights were a success.


VCE Drama – Top Class

Wednesday 12  March, VCE Drama students were given the opportunity to attend the Top Class performances. This excursion gave students the opportunity to view the Victorian A+ solo performances from 2024. As they will have to present their own solo performances later in the year this excursion provided them with a valuable learning experience to draw inspiration from. Students were also able to attend a performance of Robot Dog, an intercultural sci-fi-comedy that they will be studying as part of one of their Outcomes this semester. Thanks to Ms Madeleine Kerr and Mr Matthew Weekes for organising this event, and accompanying the students.


Year 12 Product Design – Monash Makerspace

Students studying Unit 3 Product Design visited the Monash University ‘makerspace’ to learn about new technologies available for product design and manufacture. The excursion allowed students to learn about new materials being used to create products, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that makerspaces offer designers. Thank you to Ian Shaw for organising this valuable learning experience for his class.


Proposed Year 11 Central Australia Trip

The college has tentatively booked a 9-day trip to Central Australia starting in the last few days of term three and in the first week of the term break. An online information evening was held on March 11, with information also sent out via Compass. There are still places available for interested students. Expressions of interest will close on March 31.




Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School