Swimming Success 

Congratulations to forty-eight of our students who competed in the Division Swimming Competition on Monday 3 March. We narrowly missed winning the overall shield after being beaten by Vermont Secondary College by 12 points.

Our students’ determination throughout the day is a credit to them and their willingness to step outside their comfort zone and compete in every event to gain points for our school was incredible.

Special congratulations to the following students who were awarded as Year Level Champions:

Year 9 – Zoe S
Year 10 – Hannah
Year 11 – Aleisha C and Isaac C

Twenty-four students will now go on to compete at the EMR Competition later this month. Well done to all involved and thank you to Mr Danny Gwynne and Mr Jay Newport for overseeing this event.


School Council Election 2025

Congratulations to our new and returning members; (Mr Tom Grant, Ms Danielle Mott, Mrs Chelsea Eow, Mr Fabian Kohlmann, Mr Ian McKindlay, Mr Slava Kurenyshev and Tejasvi S) who were successful in their nomination for College Council for the term March 2025 to February 2027. They will join our other parent, staff, student, community representatives and the Executive Team on our College Council with the first meeting of the new council to be held on Thursday 20 March. Members of our learning community who would like to hear me present the 2024 Annual Report are welcome to attend this meeting. Please contact the General Office for further information.

2025    Parent Members are:

Mrs Chelsea Eow
Mr Fabian Kohlmann
Mrs Slava Kurenyshev
Mr Ian McKindley
Mrs Kristen Nolan
Dr Joanne O’Mara
Mrs Ruth Woodgate

2025    Staff Members are:

Mr Ian Davidson
Mrs Tom Grant
Ms Lauren Kelly
Ms Danielle Mott

 2025    Student Members are:

Tejasvi S (Year 11)
Anshal P (Year 12)

 2025    Community Members are our College Captains:

Jimmy B
Nicola G


Morrisby Interviews

The Morrisby Careers Counselling Interviews for our Year 9 students ran over the past two weeks. A total of 309 students completed their profiles and participated in individual online meetings with external Morrisby-trained careers consultants. These interviews offer a valuable opportunity for students to identify future career options and pathways. Thank you to our Careers team Mrs Victoria Tortopidis and Mr Phil Newnham for supporting our students in this valuable program.


Year 7 Welcome Picnic

It was lovely to see many families attend the Year 7 Welcome Picnic on Wednesday 5 March. Thank you to Mr Matt Sheehan and the Junior School team for hosting this event.


International Women’s Day 

On Friday, 7 March we celebrated International Women’s Day by holding a breakfast event to celebrate the social, political, economic, and cultural achievements of all women globally.  This International Women’s Day spotlights the theme ‘Accelerate Action’, emphasising the importance of taking swift action and decisive steps to achieve gender equality.

Encapsulating the theme of ‘Accelerate Action’, staff and students heard from Tasmiya H, one of our Wellbeing Captains who gave a captivating speech and guest speaker Ms Merrin Bamert, an Executive Director in the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, who shared her experiences working in the government sector and some insight into Australia’s public policy shaping women’s lives.
Thank you to Ms Tahlia Briggs our Student Wellbeing Programs Coordinator for organising this special event.



Parent /Student /Teacher Conferences

The focus for students at Mount Waverley Secondary College is to achieve their very best and to continually improve their learning. An important part of this focus is the partnership between school and home, between teacher and parents/carers and student. Parent/student/ teacher interviews play a key role in this partnership where all parties meet to discuss the student’s achievements, progress, and strategies for improvement.

As per the notice that will be sent out on Compass, Parent/student/teacher conferences for semester one will be scheduled on Wednesday 2 April between 1pm and 7:30pm. These conferences will once again be held online via Webex links.  Wednesday 2 April is also a scheduled student free day. No classes will be running on the day.

Please note the following dates and times:

Friday 21 March at 5pm – Conference bookings are due to open to parents/carers via Compass.

Monday 31 March at 9am – Conference bookings are due to close.

Monday 31 March by 3pm – Confirmation email to parents/carers to be forwarded, noting selected conference times and Webex teacher links.




Mrs Karen Wade
College Principal