The school year is in full swing and many of our senior students would have already completed assessment tasks that contribute to their progress in their subjects. An assessment task calendar has been shared with students and parents/carers to support students with planning and preparing for these tasks. There are strict requirements regarding attendance and procedures for these tasks that students and teachers must follow.
Tips and strategies to support your child in VCE
The jump into VCE is always a big one and at times students and their families can feel overwhelmed and anxious. Please ensure that your child talks to their teacher if they are having difficulties with the work or the Year Level Coordinators if they are struggling with the demands of VCE.
Some of the top tips to assist in VCE success include:
● Create a study timetable and stick to it (around 3 to 4 hours outside of class time per day)
● Find a place to study and set it up
● Don’t study with a mobile phone or devices – they can be a distraction
● Practice applying your knowledge – not just remembering it
● Use mind-maps, tables and graphic organisers to summarise the main points
● Use the expertise of teachers – they are always happy to assist you
● Keep a good work/life balance – make sure you get enough sleep, exercise and social time. If you have a part time job, be mindful of spending too much time working at the expense of study time.
● Study time includes revision of work covered, not just homework.
● Make sure that you stay up to date with your coursework and regularly engage in revision.
The Year Level Coordinators are here to support your child, please encourage your child to see them if they are struggling with getting on top of their study.
Communication at the college
Supporting senior students through their chosen VCE pathway is a team effort and requires a partnership between the college, students and parents.
While our staff make every effort to respond to parents in a timely manner it can sometimes be difficult given the size of our school community. All staff, including those in subschools, have a teaching allotment and may not always be available via phone. Email is usually the best way to reach our staff, or a phone message can be left if necessary.
Compass is used as our primary method of communication with parents/carers. Please check this regularly and ensure your email address and other details are up to date. Compass is used to report on student progress for CATs and SACs, provide information about attendance, notifications regarding excursions and other upcoming events at the college.
School Drop Off and Pick Up
School Drop is a busy time around both campuses of the college. There are cars, pedestrians and cyclists all moving around during this busy time. Please be patient so we ensure all students get to and from school safely each day. We request that parents do not use the staff car parks on either campus when picking up or dropping off students. We also ask that you do not block the driveways of residents who live in the surrounding streets.
Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School