Inspire Program – Year 9

The Year 9s had the opportunity to participate in the Inspire Program during the first week of Term 1. Throughout the course of two days, we completed tests and riddles to understand ourselves better and find potential career options for our futures, as well as bond with our classmates and forge new relationships.

One of the main tests that our grade undertook was the Morrisby testing. Each of us were given series of academic and personal questions. That information was then collated and interpreted by a career guidance software tool to help us Year 9s focus more on our strengths and suggested pathways.

Towards the end of the program on Friday 31st January, I competed in a thrilling scavenger hunt around the school in the hope of winning canteen vouchers with my friends. We were tasked with puzzles, which when solved, would take us to different buildings and classrooms where we would find our next clue and so forth. After navigating through the many passages and stairs, my friends and I finally finished the course and were crowned victors!

Overall, I am really looking forward to the outcome of the testing and the guidance it will give to my studies from here on.

By Jacqueline DB (9G)


Coonwarra Camp – Year 10

Last week between 29 – 31 January, the Year 10 students set off on a long 4-hour road trip to Coonawarra Farm Resort!
It was an early-bird start with buses leaving around 8am to get to the camp for lunch.

On the way to the campsites we stopped off for morning tea and to stretch our legs before the next few hours on the bus before we arrived. Half the group was off to the Lakeside campsite and the other half to the Iguana campsite where we started our first activities. High ropes, giant swing and the flying fox were where fears of heights were faced and most screams occurred in these activities: from soaring over the lake, dropping from a gigantic height or running across wires high above the ground.

On the first night there was a suspicion of noise within the walls, turns out people were just hearing things or maybe it was from walkie-talkies? On the second morning there was a running group that ran around the lake early before the activities started. Canoeing and raft making were where everyone got drenched with canoes capsizing and students splashing each other plus a fun swim in the lake afterwards. These were my personal favourite activities.

Trivia night ended in chaos with a planking competition to a song and the winners got extra points. Archery and rock climbing were a place to test skills and relax a bit more compared to the other activities. The night walk was very scenic with a pretty sunset at the top of a hill and all the kangaroos hopping around the paddocks. The last day and before we departed we took a group photo.

We all got settled back on the bus, stopping off at a park to eat lunch on the way before the home stretch. Once we arrived at school I think everyone was tired and just wanted some normal water. Overall I really enjoyed this camp and making memories with my friends, I would definitely go again!

By Olivia S (10L)