College Music

MWSC Sweeps VSMF with Gold!

Our music program continues to soar to new heights. Our talented students have once again proven their exceptional skills at the prestigious Victorian School Music Festival.

Last week, the Senior Chamber Strings and Presto Strings not only achieved Gold and Silver awards, respectively, but also had the invaluable opportunity to learn from the chief adjudicator and witness other top-tier ensembles. A special congratulations to Mr Tim O’Connor, Head of Strings, and our string ensembles for their outstanding achievements.

This week, we sent two more ensembles to VSMF.  Our Concert Band, led by Ms Melissa Knowles, made history as the largest ensemble our school has ever sent to the competition. This group of 63 dedicated students performed at an exceptional level, earning a well-deserved Gold award.

Following closely behind, the MWSC Symphonic Band also took the stage and delivered an extraordinary performance. Their dedication and skill were recognised with a Gold award, and the chief adjudicator, Mr Albert Nguyen from the University of Memphis, was particularly impressed by both the ensemble’s performance and Mr Joseph Yu’s (MWSC Head of Brass and Symphonic Band director) conducting style.

These two ensembles were the final two of seven MWSC groups to compete at VSMF this month. In total, we achieved an incredible six Golds and one Silver award, making this our most successful year at the competition. A total of 238 students had the opportunity to participate in VSMF, providing them with an unforgettable experience.

I extend my sincere gratitude to our music staff who generously volunteered their time to support and supervise our students, often going above and beyond their regular duties.

2025 Music Tour – New Zealand

I am excited to announce that we have begun to plan for the 2025 Music Tour for July next year. The music tour will involve the 2025 Symphonic Band and Stage Band, and students from both of these groups along with interested students from concert band and jazz band will be invited to attend an upcoming information session. This session will outline a draft itinerary for the trip, as well as the audition process for the opportunity to get into one of these ensembles.

Eligible students will receive an invitation via Compass to the online information session.


Upcoming Music Dates

  • Wednesday 4 September – 60th Anniversary Celebrations (Music Performances)
  • Monday 9th September – Chamber Strings South Street
  • Thursday 12th September – Stage Band South Street
  • Tuesday 17th September – New Zealand Tour, Online Information Evening from 7:30pm
  • Thursday 19 September – Unit 3 Recital
  • Thursday 10th October – Music Gala Concert



Mrs Titjtje Keatley
Music Director