The term 3 holidays are fast approaching and our Unit 3 and 4 students are nearing the end of their school based assessment tasks for their studies. We are aware this can be a stressful time for students and encourage them to seek support from their Year Level Coordinators, Wellbeing Team, their peers and parents/carers. Habits that will support students at this time are; making sure they are getting quality sleep, sticking to a study schedule, using their support network and moving their body.


Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Bookings for term 3 conferences opened on Thursday 29 August. These conferences provide a valuable avenue for feedback regarding your student’s progress this semester. It is a good opportunity to discuss suggested strategies moving forward, and for the teacher, parent and student to develop a shared understanding about how their learning growth can be supported moving forward.


2025 Subject Selections

Thank you to the Senior Subschool team for their support with catching up with year 11 students following the submission of their 2025 subjects selections. Year 11 students who had made a change to their 2024 subjects for next year were either spoken to or emailed regarding these changes to ensure they were making fully informed decisions, and were aware of the steps they would need to take to allow for success next year.


Year 11 Fancy Dress

Next Friday, 6 September, just over 200 Year 11s will enjoy a night in the Novotel Ballroom for the annual Year 11 Fancy Dress. We are looking forward to seeing some innovative and imaginative costumes, and getting into the spirit of the evening with the students. Thanks to Mr James Johnston for all the organisation leading up to this event.


English Trial Exam

On Wednesday 18 September, students studying Units 3 and 4 English will complete a trial exam. This is an opportunity for them to experience the full 3 hours of writing, and 15 minutes reading time required when completing the English exam. The exam will be marked by external assessors allowing students to receive valuable feedback on their progress. It is being conducted at this time to allow students to work through the feedback provided with their teacher upon their return from holidays.


The Age VCE Guide 2024

The Age releases a VCE Guide every year that contains information about exams, how students are managing stress, supporting your VCE student, exam marking and how the ATAR is calculated. A link to the guide can be found HERE. You will need to register with your email address to access the articles but they are free to access.




Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School