As we move closer to the end of Term 3 students have been busy both inside and outside the classroom.  Students have also started to make decisions and choices for what their next year will look like.

Parent Teacher Student interviews are scheduled for Thursday 12th September.  These conferences allow students and parents to talk to teachers about how they are progressing and what they can focus on to continue their learning growth next term.  They are a fantastic opportunity to enhance the collaboration that exists between students, teachers and parents.


The Japanese Study

The Japanese Study Tour is leaving on Saturday 7th September with a group of 20 students from Year 9 and 10 Japanese classes and 3 staff.  Students and staff will travel through Japan including visiting our sister school in Owa and sister city in Natori across 21 days.  This is fantastic learning opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the language and culture of Japan.  Thank you to Ms Michelle Lukaczynski and Ms Ayako Yasunaga for their planning and preparation of this tour.


Year 10 Gala

The Year 10 Gala was fantastic celebration for our Year 10 students.  Our students are excited to get dressed up in their best gear, take a million and one photos and dance the night away!  A number of staff will also attend the evening, which is great to see.  Thank you to Mr Liam Wall and our Year 10 Coordinators – Ms Juliz Mathew and Mr Adam Wheeler for making this great event happen!    We hope you have a wonderful night!




Mr Ian MacLeod
Campus Principal – Middle School