This year the theme was “Reading is magic”. Our Library Leaders did a fantastic job preparing a range of activities to celebrate. We had some wonderful displays, a fun ‘photo booth’, an online quiz and a ‘treasure’ hunt.

The Senior Library was the place to be! Students were interacting with each other, and the books, which hopefully engenders a positive experience of the library space and its collections.

Students in Year 9 had the opportunity to hear from Mr Ron Murray, indigenous storyteller and didgeridoo player. Ron spoke about his upbringing in rural NSW and the teacher who taught him to read despite the discrimination that existed within many schools and communities at the time.

We provide many services in our libraries, from recreation to study, as well as a safe and inclusive space for all of our students.


Mrs Robyn Whitelaw
Resource Centre Manager – Senior Campus

(Some staff go above and beyond in celebrating Book Week – Ms Sun has some wonderful costumes!!)