Welcome back one and all to term three. We certainly hope that all students had a restful break over the holidays, but took some time to read over their semester one report in preparation for the second half of the school year.

Early in the semester we will be doing some work on goal-setting with the Year 7s and 8s. Students making evidence-based goals for themselves for the short, medium and long-term is proven to have a positive impact on learning outcomes, and we encourage all students to engage in that spirit.

On the final day of term two we came together in the Junior Campus Hall for our ‘Celebrating Excellence’ assembly. It was a wonderful way to recognise the extraordinary efforts of our students in the classroom, out in the yard, in various clubs, on the sporting field, and even beyond school.

Mr Gwynne gave us an update on all of the sporting successes from the first half of the year, with our school again breaking records in team and individual events across terms 1 & 2. He also encouraged students to participate in a range of events coming up in semester two, including our House Athletics Carnival, and our second annual Run for Rossy event, in September.

Mrs Sekula recognised a small selection of the more than 1000 College Values Compass posts that have been made so far this year. It is so wonderful to hear the stories behind why our students are being nominated for demonstrating Integrity, Learning, Excellence, Accountability, Respect and Nurturing (ILEARN).

Mrs Mott (ably supported by William and Dhineli) provided an update on what the Junior Campus leadership team have been working on, and also spotlighted our numerous students who are part of the college production, “Mamma Mia”, this term.

Our year level coordinators highlighted the top academic students from every home group for the semester, recognising the excellent and consistent achievements of many of our students.

Finally, we were lucky enough to be joined by Nicky Young from Monash Health, who received a donation of over $600 from our Interact Club following their recent bake sale.

Overall, it was an excellent way to finish the term, with a recognition of the fine work that everyone put into semester one. We look forward to celebrating even more students later in the year!


Student Success

Congratulations to Salma (Year 8) who competed in two major fencing events over the recent term break. Salma won the Under 15 gold medal in the Australian Youth and Cadet Championships for Fencing in Sydney, before beheading over to Christchurch, New Zealand, where she was part of the gold-medal-winning Under 17 team in the Commonwealth Fencing Championships.


Mr Matt Sheehan
Campus Principal – Junior School