Students in the Middle School have started Semester Two including moving into new subjects this week.  Well done to our middle school students for completing their exams across last few weeks.  As we move towards the term break it is worth reflecting on the first half of the year which has included learning across the eight learning areas as well as sport, excursions and competitions.


Explore Program

Last week our Year 9 students travelled into the CBD for the Explore program where they spent three days exploring Melbourne.  This included a wide range of activities including a tour to the MCG, a scavenger hunt and visit to the Big Issue.


Work Experience

This last week of term will see our Year 10 students on Work Experience which provides an opportunity for them to better understand the world of work.  This is a great for our students to explore future career options and better understand how business and organisations operate.


Semester Reports

Semester reports will be available in the coming weeks, providing a range of feedback to students and parents alike. Well done to all students who have applied themselves throughout the semester, especially those who have reflected on assessments, taken on board feedback and applied suggested strategies for improvement.  It is important to remember that some students’ self-esteem is affected because they feel they have let others down even when they have worked to the best of their ability.

How do we encourage genuine positive self-esteem in our young people at this time? One way is to provide unconditional positive acceptance, while encouraging an appreciation of individual special abilities and worth. This involves showing that you do care and respect their skills across a broad range of activities, not merely judging them based on their behaviour or academic success.  It is important for students to focus on achieving their personal best in all facets of their lives.


I wish all families a safe and restful break and look forward to welcoming students back to the college on Monday 15 July to commence Term 3.




Mr Ian MacLeod
Campus Principal – Middle School