We are nearing the end of a busy semester. Congratulations to those students who have made it through their first semester of VCE studies. We are very proud of the way you have approached your studies, been seeking teachers for help and asking for support when needed. Year 11s, we hope the exam period has given you a chance to reflect on what you did well this semester, and identify areas where you could improve. Year 12s, you are now approaching your final semester of your secondary schooling. Well done to all our Senior Students on your work this semester.


Semester Two

On June 17 Semester Two will begin. For most students in VCE this means beginning either Unit 2 or 4 for their respective subjects. Subject teachers will provide students with a course outline that will include a breakdown of the theory to be covered each week, coursework requirements and SAC dates and information. It is important that students use these to plan their ongoing study, complete all required coursework and prepare for SACs.


Subject Changes for Year 11 Students

Some students may have requested to change subjects. Subject change requests closed on Wednesday 5 June. Our Head of Senior School, Ms Jo Rogers, is working through these requests and will communicate with students as to the outcome of their request to change subjects. Any student who changes subjects is encouraged to talk to their teacher regarding any work from Unit 1 that would be beneficial to revise to assist them in preparing for Unit 2.


The General Achievement Test (GAT)

The GAT is a test sat by all students studying a Unit 3 and 4 subject and will take place on June 18. The GAT is structured into two sections, with a range of question difficulties. Section A is a literacy and numeracy assessment comprised of multiple choice questions relating to reading and numeracy, and a writing task.
Section B assesses general knowledge and skills and is comprised of multiple choice questions relating to maths, science, technology, arts and humanities and an extended writing task. The GAT plays a role in the quality assurance of all VCE assessments and it is important that all students try their absolute best on this assessment. Students will be receiving information relating to the GAT in their mentoring classes and year level assemblies.



Year 11 students are half way through their exam period. It has been great to see them take the opportunity to practice exam techniques and strategies, including the experience of having to plan their study time to prepare for multiple exams. The exam period will continue into next week, however some students may have been lucky enough to have completed all their exams within the first week. Students are encouraged to use this time to begin to prepare for Semester 2, or concentrate on their Unit 3 and 4 subject if they are studying one.


Vocational Major (VM) –  Structured Workplace Learning

Students studying VM have been attending Structured Workplace Learning placements as part of their course during the two week exam periods. This placement is designed to help students apply the skills and knowledge they learn in their VET program in an industry environment.


VCE Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences for VCE students will take place in the first week of term three on Thursday 18 July between 4pm and 7pm. Parents will receive information about the booking process. All interviews will again be held virtually via WebEx. We encourage parents to use this opportunity to meet with teachers.


Every day counts

Did you know:

  • Patterns of late arrival at school or missing classes are early warning signs of disengagement?
  • Missing one day of school each week adds up to two months per year?
  • Each day of absence has an impact on skill development and important social connections
  • Poor attendance may be associated with future unemployment, criminal activity, substance abuse, and poorer health and life expectancy?

Top tips:

  • We want to work in partnership with parents – act early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s school and asking for advice and support
  • Remember that every day counts
  • There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness
  • Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day
  • Open and prompt communication with the school about all absences is a good idea
  • Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term
  • Seek help from the school if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. We want to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing





Ms Lauren Kelly
Campus Principal – Senior School